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JEE MAIN 2025 Foundation Course
NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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in English by (42.0k points)
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Observe the pictures and discuss the questions that follow.

1. Who are these people? What do you know about them?

2. ‘Education leads to empowerment of women? Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons.

1 Answer

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by (41.7k points)
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Best answer

1. In the first picture we see Sarojini Naidu. She is also known as The Nightingale of India’. She was a poet and an Indian independence activist. In the second picture we see Mother Teresa. She was an ethnic Albanian, Indian Roman Catholic nun. She founded the Missionaries of Charity and served the needy. In the third picture we see Sunita Williams. She is an American astronaut. Her parental ancestry originates in Gujarat in India. In the fourth picture we see Saina Nehwal. She is an Indian badminton player who attained a career best ranking of 2 in December 2010. The fifth is the picture of Bharatha Das, Inspector of General of Crime Branch, Kerala, the first IG of Police of the Kerala Armed Police Battalions. In the sixth picture we see a village woman and in the last picture we see a city woman.

2. Yes, I agree with the statement. Women education plays a key role in the social and economic development of the country. Educating a woman uplifts her life as well as the quality of her life and her entire family. It is a fact that any educated woman will definitely support the education of her children especially a girl child and provide a better guidance to her children. An educated woman will easily imbibe an independent and progressive outlook in her children. More importantly, an educated woman in a society like India will assist in reducing the infant mortality rate and control the blossoming of the population. Hence we can say, education leads to empowerment of women.

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