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NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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in Environmental Science by (440 points)

The word would not have been existed without scientists, but when the time goes on scientists bring more disasters 

Example, manufacturing of bombs, nuclear material which cause more disasters on the word.

Thus, according to above explanations give the reasons why the universe need more scientists for development?

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1 Answer

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by (47.8k points)

It's true that scientific advancements have led to both beneficial innovations and technologies that have caused harm. However, the need for scientists in the world is critical for several reasons:

1. Solving Global Challenges: Scientists play a crucial role in addressing global issues such as climate change, disease, poverty, and food scarcity. Their research and innovations contribute to finding sustainable solutions to these pressing problems.

2. Improving Health and Medicine: Scientists drive medical advancements, leading to the development of vaccines, treatments, and diagnostic tools that save lives and improve public health.

3. Technological Innovation: Scientific research leads to technological advancements that improve our quality of life, enhance communication, and make processes more efficient across various industries.

4. Environmental Conservation: Scientists are vital in understanding the impact of human activity on the environment and developing technologies and strategies for conservation and sustainable resource management.

5. Space Exploration and Understanding: Scientists contribute to our understanding of the universe, which expands our knowledge and pushes the boundaries of exploration. Space research has led to numerous technological spin-offs that benefit society.

6. Ethical Guidance: Scientists provide insights into the ethical implications of technological advancements, guiding policymakers and society to use these innovations responsibly and ethically.

While there have been instances where scientific discoveries have been misused or led to harmful outcomes, the pursuit of knowledge and scientific inquiry remains crucial for human progress. The key lies in responsible and ethical use of scientific knowledge, which requires not fewer scientists but rather an emphasis on ethical considerations, regulations, and responsible applications of scientific discoveries to mitigate potential harm.

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