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in Artificial Intelligence (AI) by (47.6k points)

Differentiate between grayscale and RGB images.

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2 Answers

+1 vote
by (15.6k points)
Colour pixels are RGB, meaning they have three pieces of information associated with them, namely the Red, Green and Blue components. Grayscale pixels have one component, a gray tone derived from a graduate scale from black to white. A colour pixel is generally 24-bit (3 × 8-bit), and a gray pixel is just 8-bit.
0 votes
by (90 points)

Grayscale and RGB are two common color models used in digital imaging, each with distinct characteristics:

  1. Grayscale Images:

    • Grayscale images contain shades of gray, ranging from black to white, with no color information.
    • Each pixel in a grayscale image is represented by a single intensity value, typically an 8-bit value ranging from 0 (black) to 255 (white), where intermediate values represent varying shades of gray.
    • Grayscale images are commonly used for applications where color information is unnecessary, such as black-and-white photography, medical imaging, and certain types of document processing.
    • The absence of color data makes grayscale images more memory-efficient and simpler to process compared to RGB images.
  2. RGB Images:

    • RGB (Red, Green, Blue) images are composed of three color channels: red, green, and blue.
    • Each pixel in an RGB image is represented by a combination of three intensity values, one for each color channel. Typically, each intensity value is an 8-bit integer ranging from 0 to 255, resulting in 24 bits per pixel (8 bits per channel).
    • By combining different intensities of red, green, and blue light, RGB images can represent a wide range of colors and shades.
    • RGB is the most common color model used in digital displays, digital photography, and graphics editing software.
    • RGB images are versatile and suitable for applications where color fidelity and richness are important.

In summary, while grayscale images represent shades of gray using a single intensity value per pixel, RGB images represent colors using combinations of red, green, and blue intensity values per pixel. Grayscale images are simpler and more memory-efficient but lack color information, whereas RGB images offer full color representation but require more memory and computational resources.

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