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in English by (855 points)
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Write a brief note on the character of Tench in Galsworthy's play 'Strife".

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1 Answer

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by (39.4k points)

In John Galsworthy's play "Strife," Tench is a pivotal character who serves as the mediator between the striking miners and the mine owners. As the Conciliation Board Secretary, Tench is tasked with facilitating negotiations and resolving the labor dispute at the Welsh coal mine.

Tench is depicted as a pragmatic and diplomatic figure, striving to maintain impartiality and uphold the integrity of the conciliation process. He is deeply committed to his role and genuinely desires to find a resolution that satisfies both parties. However, Tench faces significant challenges as he navigates the complex dynamics between the miners, who are fighting for their rights and safety, and the mine owners, who prioritize profit and control.

Throughout the play, Tench demonstrates his skill as a negotiator and mediator, attempting to bridge the gap between the opposing sides. He listens attentively to the grievances of the miners and advocates for their interests while also conveying the concerns of the mine owners. Despite facing resistance and skepticism from both parties, Tench remains steadfast in his efforts to find common ground and reach a compromise.

Tench's character embodies the tension between idealism and pragmatism. While he harbors genuine empathy for the plight of the miners and recognizes the injustices they face, he also acknowledges the practical constraints and limitations of the negotiation process. This internal conflict adds depth to Tench's character and underscores the moral complexity of the labor dispute.

Overall, Tench serves as a nuanced and compelling character in "Strife," representing the challenges and dilemmas inherent in the pursuit of justice and reconciliation amidst the iniquities of capitalist society. His role as the mediator highlights the importance of dialogue, empathy, and compromise in resolving conflicts and addressing systemic injustices.

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