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Discuss the aspects in which St Thomas agreed with Aristotle?

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by (13.9k points)

St. Thomas Aquinas, a prominent medieval philosopher and theologian, was heavily influenced by the works of Aristotle, particularly through the translations and commentaries available in the Latin West during his time. Aquinas found much to agree with in Aristotle's philosophy, incorporating many of Aristotle's ideas into his own theological framework. Here are several key aspects in which St. Thomas Aquinas agreed with Aristotle:

  1. Teleology:

    Both Aristotle and Aquinas shared a teleological view of the natural world, believing that everything in existence has a purpose or end (telos) towards which it strives. This teleological perspective influenced their understanding of ethics, politics, and metaphysics.

  2. Natural Law:

    Both philosophers embraced the concept of natural law, the idea that there are objective moral principles inherent in the natural order which can be discovered through reason. For Aristotle, natural law was closely tied to the fulfillment of human nature, while Aquinas integrated natural law into his Christian theological framework.

  3. Virtue Ethics:

    Aristotle's virtue ethics, which emphasizes the cultivation of moral virtues as the path to eudaimonia (human flourishing), resonated with Aquinas. Aquinas incorporated Aristotle's notion of virtues, such as courage, temperance, and justice, into his ethical framework, integrating them with Christian virtues and theological principles.

  4. Metaphysics:

    Aquinas adopted Aristotle's metaphysical framework, including his concepts of substance, form, and matter. Aquinas's synthesis of Aristotelian metaphysics with Christian theology became known as Thomism, and it profoundly influenced medieval scholastic thought.

  5. Doctrine of God:

    While Aristotle's conception of God as the Unmoved Mover differs from the Christian conception of a personal God, Aquinas found Aristotle's arguments for the existence of God (e.g., the unmoved mover, the first cause) compatible with Christian theology. Aquinas integrated Aristotle's philosophical arguments into his own proofs for the existence of God, most notably in his "Five Ways."

  6. Epistemology:

    Both Aristotle and Aquinas emphasized the importance of reason and intellect in understanding the world. While Aquinas believed in the importance of divine revelation alongside reason, he shared Aristotle's view that reason is capable of grasping truths about the natural world and human nature.

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