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in English by (25 points)
Give Fire and Ice Summary in English

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2 Answers

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by (1.7k points)
"Fire and Ice" is a short poem by Robert Frost that explores the destructive forces of desire and hatred. The poem is composed of nine lines and is divided into two main parts.

In the first part, Frost introduces the idea that the world could end either by fire or by ice. Fire represents the intense passions and desires that consume individuals and societies, while ice symbolizes the cold, unfeeling hatred that can also destroy relationships and communities.

Frost suggests that both fire and ice have the potential to bring about the end of the world, but he leaves it open-ended as to which force will ultimately prevail.

Overall, "Fire and Ice" serves as a meditation on the destructive nature of human emotions and behaviors, urging readers to consider the consequences of their actions and the impact they have on the world around them.
0 votes
by (37.7k points)

Robert Frost’s poem “Fire and Ice” is a strong symbolic poem where the fire is used as the emotion of desire and ice, that of hatred. He has used the idea of two groups who have their own possible explanation for the end of the world. One is of the opinion that fire alone can destroy each and every possibility of life on Earth while the other thinks that if ice as a result of extremely low temperatures could cover the earth’s surface, it would lead to the end of the world. Both the components are compared with self-destructing human emotions: desire and hatred. The poet is original of the opinion that he has been very closely associated with the “fiery desires” and considers it capable of bringing human beings on the verge of destruction. Thus, he considers fire as more competent for destruction. But then he thinks that “icy hatred” is just as capable of ruining humans, though slowly and steadily. Therefore, if Earth was to end twice, ice would be just as good as fire. If a fire would lead to rapid destruction, ice would lead to silent damage. Similarly, if the fire is pure passion, ice is pure reason. Thus, the poem, very artistically, underpins the philosophy that we let our emotions rule us and if don’t control them they will surely bring us all on the verge of chaos.

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