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in English Grammar by (46.3k points)
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Answer the following questions by choosing the most appropriate option:

1. As a junior supervisor Mahendra had to

a) construct factories, bridges and dams.

b) oversee construction work at different sites

c) move from place to place every now and then

d) work in a coal mine and railway construction site.

2. Mahendra was highly adaptable because

a) his needs were few and simple as a bachelor

b) he had to live in makeshift canvas tents.

c) he was a conservative and traditional person

d) he had the services of an expert cook wherever he went.

3. Iswaran had the amazing capacity to produce vegetables and cooking ingredients even in places where there were no shops. This shows that he

a) was highly resourceful and smart.

b) was capable of walking long distances to procure vegetables and ingredients.

c) was devoted to cooking and had the desire to excel in it.

d) wanted to please his master with tasty dishes even in remote sites.

4. Iswaran was interested in reading Tamil thrillers because he

a) had a lot of spare time and reading helped him pass the time.

b) had been influenced by the authors of the book he read.

c) was by nature imaginative and fond of suspense.

d) was imaginative and liked to be dramatic while recounting tales.

5. Mahendra enjoyed listening to Iswaran's stories because

a) they were packed with horror and suspense.

b) they were woven around real incidents of life.

c) Mahendra had no TV and Iswaran's stories helped him spend his leisure time.

d) of the dramatic way in which Iswaran narrated them.

6. Iswaran said that the factory area was once a burial ground. He based this view on

a) a human skull lying in the path

b) a number of human skulls found in the area

c) the appearance of the ghost of a woman at night.

d) the appearance of a skeleton holding a foetus in its arms.

7. Mahendra asked Iswaran to get his digestive system as well as head examined because

a) Mahendra did not believe in ghosts or spirits

b) Mahendra thought that Iswaran was talking nonsense

c) Iswaran was ill and needed medical treatment immediately.

d) Iswaran was behaving in an odd way that disturbed Mahendra.

8. After hearing Iswaran's story, Mahendra avoided looking out of his window at night because

a) he was afraid that Iswaran would be standing outside, ready to tell another story.

b) he had lost interest in the beauty of the new moon.

c) he was afraid that he would see ghosts.

d) the story had frightened him.

9. Mahendra decided to quit his job after he

a) saw a dark cloudy form clutching a bundle outside his window at night.

b) broke into cold sweat and fell back on the pillow, panting.

c) learnt that Iswaran had seen him the previous night sighting the 'ghost'

d) realized that he was actually camping in a haunted place.

10. It is probable that Iswaran himself had appeared as the ghost. If so, he would have done it to

a) frighten his master and take pleasure in it.

b) teach his master a lesson for calling him crazy and not believing his story.

c) ensure that they would leave the camp site and move to a better place.

d) satisfy his desire for drama and suspense.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (48.8k points)
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Best answer

1. b) oversee construction work at different sites

2. a) his needs were few and simple as a bachelor

3. a) was highly resourceful and smart.

4. c) was by nature imaginative and fond of suspense.

5. d) of the dramatic way in which Iswaran narrated them.

6. b) a number of human skulls found in the area.

7. b) Mahendra thought that Iswaran was talking nonsense.

8. d) the story had frightened him.

9. c) learnt that Iswaran had seen him the previous night sighting the 'ghost'.

10. b) teach his master a lesson for calling him crazy and not believing his story.

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