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in English by (35 points)
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Give an account on the interaction between the Boss and Mother in the Short Story "The Boss Came to Dinner" Bisham Sahni.

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1 Answer

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by (50.1k points)

In "The Boss Came to Dinner" by Bisham Sahni, the interaction between the Boss and Mother is a central aspect of the story. The narrative explores themes of social class, power dynamics, and the complexities of human relationships.

At the outset, the visit of the Boss to the protagonist's humble home is a significant event. It highlights the stark contrast between the Boss's privileged position and the modest circumstances of the protagonist's family. As the Boss arrives with his wife, they are greeted warmly by the protagonist's Mother, who is both excited and apprehensive about hosting such esteemed guests.

Throughout the interaction, the Mother displays a mix of deference, hospitality, and anxiety. She goes out of her way to ensure that the Boss and his wife are comfortable, serving them tea and snacks with great care and attention. However, her efforts are tinged with a sense of insecurity and self-consciousness, as she worries about the adequacy of her hospitality and the modesty of her home.

Meanwhile, the Boss exudes an air of authority and entitlement, accustomed to being treated with deference and respect. He accepts the Mother's hospitality graciously but also subtly asserts his superiority, making comments that highlight the class divide between them. Despite his outward politeness, there is a hint of condescension in his interactions with the protagonist's family, reinforcing the power imbalance between employer and employee.

As the evening progresses, tensions simmer beneath the surface, with the Mother keenly aware of the power dynamics at play. She struggles to maintain a facade of hospitality while grappling with her feelings of inferiority and resentment towards the Boss. The encounter serves as a microcosm of larger societal inequalities, where individuals from different social strata are brought together by circumstance but remain fundamentally divided by class.

Ultimately, "The Boss Came to Dinner" offers a nuanced exploration of the complexities of social interaction and the enduring impact of class divisions. The interaction between the Boss and Mother serves as a poignant reminder of the inequalities that pervade society and the challenges faced by those navigating relationships across social boundaries.

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