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573k × class-12 310k × class-11 157k × class-10 75.1k × class-9 60.8k × cbse 54.7k × jee 49.6k × jee mains 48.7k × class-8 41.5k × class-7 41.3k × class-12-hindi 38.5k × english 31.0k × icse 27.9k × class-6 27.4k × neet 19.4k × quantitative-aptitude 17.6k × general-knowledge 16.0k × class-10-hindi 15.8k × aiims 14.3k × grammar 11.8k × thermodynamics 11.1k × vocabulary 10.4k × current-affairs 9.9k × ntse 9.6k × class-5 9.5k × class-11-hindi 8.8k × verbal-ability 8.7k × general-science 8.3k × bpsc 8.3k × class-9-hindi 7.5k × probability

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