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+1 vote
in English by (105 points)
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Read the given anecdote and analyse the similarities and differences with reference to ‘A Letter to God’.

 A very poor woman called-in a radio station asking for help from God.  A non-believer, also listening to this radio program, decided to make fun of the woman. He got her address, called his secretary and ordered her to buy food and take it to the woman. However, the instruction was:

"When the woman asks who sent the food, tell her that it’s from the devil.'' When the secretary arrived at the woman's house, the woman was very happy and grateful for the help. The Secretary then asked her, ''Don't you want to know who sent the food?'' The woman replied, ''No, I don't even care because when God orders, even the devil obeys!

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3 Answers

+1 vote
by (15.8k points)

The given anecdote is similar to the lesson in verifying that God listens to the people, by any means, who trust him. But the intentions of the people helping the victim are different in both stories.

by (10 points)
The answer should be of 100- 120 words.....
But the ans was OK
+2 votes
by (3.7k points)
In both the stories, poor people seek help from God. In ‘A Letter to God’, Lencho writes a letter to God asking for 100 pesos to save his crops. In the anecdote, the poor woman calls a radio station seeking help from God. However, in ‘A Letter to God’, Lencho believes in God and has faith in His power to help him. On the other hand, in the anecdote, the non-believer makes fun of the poor woman's belief in God.

Moreover, in ‘A Letter to God’, Lencho receives a letter with the exact amount of money he asked for and believes that it is sent by God. Similarly, the poor woman receives food sent by the non-believer's secretary and believes that it is sent by God. However, in ‘A Letter to God’, Lencho is devastated when he finds out that the postmaster took some money from the amount he received. In the anecdote, the poor woman does not care who sent the food because she believes that when God orders, even the devil obeys.

In conclusion, both the stories highlight the importance of faith and belief in God. While ‘A Letter to God’ shows how faith can be shattered by human actions, the anecdote emphasizes that even non-believers cannot deter the faith of a true believer.
0 votes
by (15 points)

In the anecdote and "A Letter to God," there are notable similarities and differences that reflect themes of faith, kindness, and the perception of divine intervention. 

Similarities between the two stories include the presence of characters who believe in a higher power. In the anecdote, the poor woman calls upon God for help, while Lencho in "A Letter to God" believes in God's direct influence on his life. Both stories also depict acts of kindness towards those in need. In the anecdote, a non-believer ends up helping the woman through his secretary, and in "A Letter to God," the postmaster and employees assist Lencho after his crops are destroyed. Additionally, both recipients of help express gratitude and appreciation for the assistance they receive, highlighting a common theme of thankfulness despite the circumstances.

However, there are notable differences between the two stories as well. In the anecdote, the source of help initially comes from a non-believer who intends to mock the woman's faith. This contrasts with "A Letter to God," where Lencho's help comes indirectly from God, as he perceives it, and from the postmaster. The perception of divine intervention also differs between the characters. The woman in the anecdote attributes the help to God, even when it comes from someone she perceives as the devil, showcasing her unwavering faith. In contrast, Lencho in "A Letter to God" expects direct assistance from God and is disappointed when he believes God did not fulfill his request as expected. 

Overall, both stories convey messages of faith, kindness, and the unexpected ways in which help can come, but they do so through different character motivations and perspectives on divine intervention.

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