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Important Class 10 Science MCQ Questions of Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers?

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Students are encouraged to more practice Class 10 Science MCQ Questions Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers is accessible here. Students can tackle these MCQ Questions Magnetic Effects of Electric Current with Answers and evaluate their exam preparation level.

Practice Class 10 Science MCQ Questions of Magnetic effects of electric current

1. Who has stated the Right hand Thumb Rule?

(a) Orsted
(b) Fleming
(c) Einstein
(d) Maxwell

2. Magnetic effect of current was discovered by

(a) Oersted
(b) Faraday
(c) Bohr
(d) Ampere

3. Inside the magnet, the field lines moves

(a) from north to south
(b) from south to north
(c) away from south pole
(d) away from north pole

4. Which of the following statement is not correct about the magnetic field?

(a) Magnetic field lines form a continuous closed curve.
(b) Magnetic field line do not interest each other.
(c) Direction of tangent at any point on the magnetic field line curve gives the direction of magnetic field at that point.
(d) Outside the magnet, magnetic field lines go from South to North pole of the magnet.

5. The nature of magnetic field line passing through the centre of current carrying circular loop is

(a) circular
(b) ellipse
(c) parabolic
(d) straight line

6. What should be the core of an electromagnet?

(a) soft iron
(b) hard iron
(c) rusted iron
(d) none of above

7. The strength of magnetic field inside a long current carrying straight solenoid is

(a) more at the ends than at the centre
(b) minimum in the middle
(c) same at all points
(d) found to increase from one end to the other

8. The most important safety method used for protecting home appliances from short circuiting or overloading is by

(a) earthing
(b) use of fuse
(c) use of stabilizers
(d) use of electric meter.

9. Select the incorrect statement

(а) Magnetic field lines are closed curves
(b) No two field lines can cross each other
(c) Field lines can cross each other
(d) The relative strength of the magnetic field is shown by degree of closness of the field lines.

10. Magnetic field lines around a straight conductor forms a pattern of

(a) concentric circles
(b) concentric ellipse
(c) straight line
(d) square shape.

11. Electric motor is a device which converts

(a) mechanical energy to electrical energy
(b) electrical energy to mechanical energy
(c) chemical energy to mechanical energy
(d) mechanical energy to light energy.

12. The direction of induced current is given by

(a) Fleming’s right hand rule
(b) Fleming’s left hand rule
(c) Right hand thumb rule
(d) Left hand thumb rule.

13. Unit of intensity of magnetic field is:

(a) Tesla
(b) Ohm
(c) Ampere
(d) Volt-ampere

14. A current carrying conductor is placed in between the poles of the stable magnetic field. The direction of force acting on the conductor is given by the law:

(a) Maxwell’s Cark-screw rule
(b) Fleming’s Right hand rule
(c) Fleming’s left hand rule
(d) Ohm’s law.

15. In electric motor, to make the coil rotating continuously in the same direction, current is reversed in the coil after every half rotation by a device called

(a) carbon brush
(b) commutator
(c) slip ring
(d) armature


(b) commutator


A device that reverses the direction of current in the arms of armature through a circuit is called commutation.

16. Earth wire carries

(a) current
(b) voltage
(c) no current
(d) heat

17. The insulation colour of earth wire is

(a) blue
(b) red
(c) green
(d) white.

18. The magnitude of induced e.m.f. is:

(a) proportional to the rate of change of field lines
(b) proportional to earth’s magnetic field
(c) depend on material of coil
(d) inversely proportional to the rate of change of speed of magnet.

19. Lenz’s law is based on which conservation law:

(a) charge
(b) mass
(c) momentum
(d) energy

20. Dynamo converts:

(a) chemical energy into electric energy
(b) sound energy into magnetic energy
(c) mechanical energy into electric energy
(d) mechanical energy into light energy.

Answer key

1. (d) Maxwell

2. (a) Oersted

Explanation: Oersted showed that electricity and magnetism were related phenomena.

3. (b) from south to north

Explanation: Magnetic field inside the magnet moves from south to north pole.

4. (d) Outside the magnet, magnetic field lines go from South to North pole of the magnet.

Explanation: Outside the magnet, magnetic field line emerges from North-pole and moves towards south-pole.

5. (d) straight line

Explanation: Magnetic field line at the centre of current carrying loop appears as a straight line.

6. (a) soft iron

7. (c) same at all points

8. (b) use of fuse

9. (c) Field lines can cross each other

10. (a) concentric circles

11. (b) electrical energy to mechanical energy

12. (a) Fleming’s right hand rule

13. (a) Tesla

14. (c) Fleming’s left hand rule

15. (b) commutator

Explanation: A device that reverses the direction of current in the arms of armature through a circuit is called commutation.

16. (c) no current

17. (c) green

18. (a) proportional to the rate of change of field lines

19. (d) energy

20. (c) mechanical energy into electric energy

Click here to practice more MCQ Questions from Chapter Magnetic effects of electric current Class 10 Science

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