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JEE MAIN 2025 Foundation Course
NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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in Biology by (29.8k points)
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(I) Explain how sexual reproduction gives rise to more viable variations than asexual reproduction. 

(II) How does this affect the evolution of those organisms that reproduce sexually? 

(III) In evolutionary terms, can we say which among bacteria, spiders, fish and chimpanzees, have a better body design? Why or why not?

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by (29.6k points)
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(i) Sexual reproduction gives rise to more viable variation then asexual reproduction. Because in sexual reproduction, genetic material from both the patents mixed (recombination of parent chromosomes) by fertilization. Hence, off-springs get both the information and produce mixed characters which are not exactly the same as that of parents. While in asexual reproduction, the single parent is involved and thus there is no recombination of chromosomes. Hence, off-springs that produced are the exact copy of their parent. 

(ii) If a disease were to hit the population, then perhaps not all the members of the population would be affected because of the variation in the population in sexual reproduction mode. This means that some individuals would survive to be able to reproduce and generate more offspring, and direct evolution of new species. Crossing over is the fundamental cause of origin of variations in sexually reproducing organisms. Asexual reproduction does not involve meiosis and crossing over, hence only minute variations may occur due to mutation. The variations caused in sexually reproducing organisms are subjected to the selection process. Natural selection selects those variations which have more adaptive value. 

(iii) No, we cannot say that there is a better body design as these organisms evolved according to their needs to survive in the environment. If chimpanzee has strong limbs capable of multiple actions, the bacteria can survive in extreme conditions where other organisms cannot. Hence, there is no better body design.

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