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in The Discipline of Computing by (29.6k points)
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Discuss the various computing machines emerged till 1900’s.

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by (29.8k points)
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1. Abacus: 

In 3000 BC Mesopotamians introduced this and it means calculating board or frame. It is considered as the first computer for basic arithmetical calculations and consists of beads on movable rods divided into two parts. The Chinese improved the Abacus with seven beads on each wire. Different Abacus are given below.

2. Napier’s bones: 

A Mathematician John Napier introduced this in AP 1617. 

3. Pascaline: 

A French mathematician Blaise Pascal developed this machine that can perform arithmetical operations. 

4. Leibniz’s calculator: 

In 1673, a German mathematician and Philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Von Leibniz introduced this calculating machine. 

5. Jacquard’s loom: 

In 1801, Joseph Marie Jacquard invented a mechanical loom that simplifies the process of manufacturing textiles with complex pattern. A stored program in punched cards was used to control the machine with the help of human labour. This punched card concept was adopted by Charles Babbage to control his Analytical engine and later by Hollerith. 

6. Difference engine: 

The intervention of human beings was eliminated by Charles Babbage in calculations by using Difference engine in 1822. It could perform arithmetic operations and print results automatically. 

7. Analytical engine: 

In 1833, Charles Babbage introduced this. Charles Babbage is considered as the “Father of computer” It is considered as .the predecessor of today’s computer. This engine was controlled by programs stored in punched cards. These programs were written by Babbage’s assistant, Augusta Ada King, who was considered as the first programmer in the World.

8. Hollerith’s machine: 

In 1887, Herman Hollerith an American made first electromechanical punched cards with instructions for input and output. The card contained holes in a particular pattern with special meaning. 

The Us Census Bureau had large amount of data to tabulate, that will take nearly 10 years. By this machine this work was completed in one year. In 1896, Hollerith started a company Tabulating Machine Corporation. Now it is called International Business Machines(IBM).

9. Mark -1: 

In 1944 Howard Aiken manufactured automatic electromechanical computer in collaboration with engineers at IBM that handled 23 decimal place numbers and can perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and subtraction.

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