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JEE MAIN 2025 Foundation Course
NEET 2025 Foundation Course
+3 votes
in I Will Fly by (30.7k points)
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Imagine that you get the opportunity to address Class X students before their public examination. On the basis of Dr Kalam’s message, prepare a speech to motivate and prepare them for the examination.

by (10 points)

2 Answers

+3 votes
by (32.9k points)
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Best answer

My dear students, 

You are soon going to appear for the SSLC Examination which is considered to be a big turning point in your life. Some students get panicky before the examination and spoil their chances to do well. There is no need to fear. The examinations are simply to test your understanding of the things that you have been taught in the class. Millions of students before you have taken this kind of examination. So this is nothing new or terrifying.

Be confident. Don’t be nervous. Be optimistic. Be cool, calm and composed. Fear will not help you. It will only make you forget what you already know. You have been reading your lessons regularly and doing the assignments. The teachers have been testing your knowledge every now and then. You already know what types of questions are coming in the examination and the time you have to answer them. So read the instructions and questions carefully and make a plan to answer them in the most appropriate manner.

You have read the story ‘His First Flight’ by Liam O’Flaherty. The seagull was reluctant to take his first flight. But goaded by his mother, he takes his flight and then he finds it is smooth and he experiences no problem. In a similar fashion, you go courageously and confidently to take your examination and everything is going to be fine. Keep your mind happy with encouraging thoughts. Be optimistic. You are not the first or the only one going to write this examination.

Life is full of examinations. The people who face them with confidence and courage will succeed in life. You don’t have to compare yourself with others. Kalam has told you to be unique, to be you. You know you have done your best during the preparation time. Now you simply have to do your best as you write the examination without being unduly worried about the result. Do your best and leave the rest to God. 

I wish you all the resounding success in the forthcoming examinations.

+1 vote
by (15.1k points)

Hello my dear students. I am here to talk to you on a very important aspect of examination. First of  all let me affirm that examinations are the most wonderful things in any human's life. They are litmus test of our abilities, strength, and self-management. Anyone who is scared of them has already failed.

Examination fear is an indicator we didn't utilize our time optimally. It means we kept postponing preparing for the exams. Let me tell you dear friends, if there were no exams, students would not ever take their studies seriously. The first and foremost thing about exams is never be scared of them. Each examination is succeeded by preparatory time, which must be utilized optimally. If you do it, you will love to take any exam.

Second thing about exams is give your hundred percent near the exams to studies. Don't panic. Revise as much as you can with proper breaks. Don't lose heart. Just take the bull of exams by the horns, you are sure to fare well through them

All the best!

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