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Class 8 Science MCQ Questions of Stars and the Solar System with Answers?

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MCQ Questions for Class 8 Science with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. Students are well-considered to practice the MCQ Questions for Class 8 Science with Answers is available here. Students can solve these MCQ Questions for Class 8 with Answers and assess their preparation level. We have provided Stars and the Solar System Class 8 Science MCQ Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.

In Class 8 students will learn more about celestial objects like the moon, stars, constellations, sun, and planets. Learning about our solar system is very important because the outer space is perhaps the final frontier for humanity. Solve MCQ Questions from the Stars and the Solar System with Answers. To understand the chapter and to score good marks in the exam.

Practice Class 8 Science MCQ Questions chapter-wise

1. Which of the following does not belong to the family of the solar systems?

(a) Planet
(b) Galaxy
(c) Meteors
(d) Comet

2. The Halley’s Comet is seen after every

(a) 76 months
(b) 76 years
(c) 56 months
(d) 56 years

3. Ursa Major is a

(a) star
(b) constellation
(c) seen only with a telescope
(d) satellite

4. Which planet has the largest number of satellites?

(a) Jupiter
(b) Saturn
(c) Mercury
(d) Mars

5. Which unit is used to measure astronomical distances?

(a) Leap year
(b) Light year
(c) Century
(d) Sound year

6. The stars forming a recognizable shape is called

(a) constellation
(b) system
(c) galaxy
(d) asteroids

7. Which star is nearest to Earth?

(a) Pole star
(c) Orion
(b) Cassiopeia
(d) Sun

8. What term is used for celestial bodies that revolve around the Sun in a highly elliptical orbit?

(a) Comet
(b) Meteors
(c) Asteroids
(d) Planets

9. Which small objects revolve between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter?

(a) Satellites
(b) Comets
(c) Asteroids
(d) Meteorites

10. Which planet is called morning star or evening star?

(a) Venus
(b) Mars
(c) Jupiter
(d) Mercury

11. Our galaxy is known as

(a) Earth galaxy
(b) Sun galaxy
(c) Milky Way
(d) Constellation

12. Shooting stars are called

(a) asteroids
(b) galaxies
(c) meteors
(d) andromeda

13. The planet farthest from the Sun is

(a) Uranus
(b) Neptune
(c) Saturn
(d) Mercury

14. If I am 13 years old, I have gone round the sun ___ times.

(a) Never gone round the sun
(b) 13
(c) 26
(d) Shall go round the sun when I shall be 15

15. The least dense planet is

(a) Earth
(b) Jupiter
(c) Saturn
(d) Uranus

16. _____ was the first Indian satellite.

(c) IRS
(d) Aryabhatta

17. If Saturn is thrown into an ocean,

(a) It will float
(b) It will sink
(c) It will dissolve
(d) It will soak all water

18. Ravi was looking for Venus in the sky at midnight. Mohan laughed at him because Venus

(a) Appears 1-3 hours after sunrise or 1-3 hours after sunset
(b) Appears 1-3 hours before sunrise or 1-3 hours after sunset
(c) Appears 1-3 hours before sunrise or 1-3 hours before sunset
(d) Appears 1-3 hours after sunrise or 1-3 hours before sunset

19. Earlier we had 9 planets in our solar system of which one name has been eliminated as per IAU (2006). The planet is

(a) Uranus
(b) Neptune
(c) Pluto
(d) Earth

20. How many stars does Orion constellation have?

(a) 8
(b) 10
(c) 12
(d) 4

21. The Earth has how many natural satellites?

(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Four
(d) Fourteen

22. Which is the brightest star in the night sky?

(a) Sirius
(b) Vega
(c) Alpha Centauri
(d) Proxima Centauri

23. Science of studying compostion of universe and other related information is called:

(a) Astronomy
(b) Geology
(c) Astrology
(d) None of these

24. Remote sensing means:

(a) collecting data from a nearby place
(b) collecting data from a distance
(c) using remote to ‘ON’ our electronic
(d) None of these appliances

25. The length of the shadow is shortest at:

(a) Morning
(b) Night
(c) Evening
(d) Noon

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by (14.5k points)


1. Answer: (b) Galaxy

Explanation: A solar system consists of an average star called the sun, the planets, and their satellites, numerous comets, asteroids, meteoroids .and interplanetary mediums. Galaxy is a bound system of stars, stellar remnants, interstellar gas, dust, and dark matter.

2. Answer: (b) 76 years

Explanation: Halley's comet will next appear in the night sky in the year 2062. It orbits the sun every 75-76 years, so this is the time between appearances. Halley's comet was recorded by Edmund Halley in 1682. It was seen again in 1758, 1835, 1910, and 1986.

3. Answer: (b) constellation

Explanation: Ursa Major is the largest northern constellation and third largest constellation in the sky.

4. Answer: (b) Saturn

Explanation: In our solar system, the planet Saturn has the highest number of satellites in comparison with any other planet. Since Saturn has 82 satellites around it. In which, it overtakes the planet Jupiter by having more satellites in the solar system.

5. Answer: (b) Light year

Explanation: Astronomical unit (AU, or au), a unit of length effectively equal to the average, or mean, the distance between Earth and the Sun.

6. Answer: (a) constellation

Explanation: The stars forming a group that has a recognizable shape is called a constellation. A constellation is a group of stars that make an imaginary shape in the night sky. They are usually named after mythological characters, people, animals, and objects. In different parts of the world, people have made up different shapes out of the same groups of bright stars. 

7. Answer: (d) Sun

Explanation: The closest star to us is actually our very own Sun at 93,000,000 miles (150,000,000 km). The next closest star is Proxima Centauri. It lies at a distance of about 4.3 light-years or about 25,300,000,000,000 miles (about 39,900,000,000,000 kilometers).

8. Answer: (a) Comet

Explanation: Comets go around the Sun in a highly elliptical orbit. They can spend hundreds and thousands of years out in the depths of the solar system before they return to Sun at their perihelion. Like all orbiting bodies, comets follow Kepler's Laws - the closer they are to the Sun, the faster they move.

9. Answer: (c) Asteroids

Explanation: Asteroids are irregularly shaped, rocky bodies that orbit the Sun. Most are found in the asteroid belt, between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

10. Answer: (a) Venus

Explanation: The morning star is the planet Venus, it's a planet, but this is also called a star because Venus is far closer to the sun and due to its alignment in the sky, unlike other planets.

11. Answer: (c) Milky Way

Explanation: Our galaxy is called the Milky Way because it appears as a milky band of light in he sky when you see it in a really dark area.

12. Answer: (c) meteors

Explanation: Meteors, also known as shooting stars, are pieces of dust and debris from space that burn up in Earth's atmosphere, where they can create bright streaks across the night sky.

13. Answer: (b) Neptune

Explanation: On January 21, 1979, Pluto moved inside the orbit of Neptune, thereby making the latter the farthest planet from the sun.

14. Answer: (b) 13

Explanation: You have revolved 13 times because in one year the earth takes one round of the son. so in 13 years you you will revolve 13 times with the earth.

15. Answer: (c) Saturn

Explanation: Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system, but it's Saturn—the solar system's second largest planet—that takes the prize for least dense. It's less dense than water, which has led many people to postulate that it would float.

16. Answer: (d) Aryabhatta

Explanation: Aryabhata was India's first satellite, named after the famous Indian astronomer. It was launched on 19 April 1975 from Kapustin Yar, a Soviet rocket launch and development site in Astrakhan Oblast using a Kosmos-3M launch vehicle.

17. Answer: (a) It will float

Explanation: Saturn has the least density among all the planets, and the only one with a density lower than water, so it would float in our imaginary ocean.

18. Answer: (b) Appears 1-3 hours before sunrise or 1-3 hours after sunset

Explanation: Venus is one of the planets in our Solar System. It is ranked second with respect to order from sun.Venus is a shiny planet visible in silver colour.
Other than Venus, planets Mercury, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter are also visible from Earth.All the planets follow revolution around the sun. Each planet has varying number of moons revolving it.

19. Answer: (c) Pluto

Explanation: The International Astronomical Union (IAU) downgraded the status of Pluto to that of a dwarf planet because it did not meet the three criteria the IAU uses to define a full-sized planet. 

20. Answer: (a) 8

Explanation: Orion can be seen during winter in the late evening. It has seven or eight bright stars. Orion is also called the Hunter or Kalpurush. The three middle stars represent the belt of the Hunter.

21. Answer: (a) One

Explanation: The earth has a moon as its natural satellite earth has only one natural satellite that is Moon. There are a number of near Earth objects with orbits that are in resonance with earth.

22. Answer: (a) Sirius

Explanation: Sirius, also known as the Dog Star or Sirius A, is the brightest star in Earth's night sky. 

23. Answer: (a) Astronomy

Explanation: Science of studying composition of universe and other related information is called astronomy.

24. Answer: (b) collecting data from a distance

Explanation: Remote sensing is the process of detecting and monitoring the physical characteristics of an area by measuring its reflected and emitted radiation at a distance (typically from satellite or aircraft). Cameras on satellites can be used to make images of temperature changes in the oceans.

25. Answer: (d) Noon

Explanation: The shortest shadow occurs when the sun reaches its highest point, at local noon. By tracking the length of the shadow cast by a stationary gnomon throughout the day, it is easy to determine the point at which the shadow is shortest.

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