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in English by (30.6k points)
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Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : 

It is not I suppose, in any way strange that the average Londoner should not recognise an otter, but the variety of guesses as to what kind of animal this might come as a surprise to me. Otters belong to a comparatively small group of animals called Mussel lines, shared by the badger, mongoose, weasel, stoat, mink and others. I faced a continuous barrage of conjectural questions that sprayed all the Mussel lines but the otter, more random guesses hit on a baby seal and a squirrel. 'Is that a walrus mister?" reduced me to goggles, and outside a dog show I heard a hippo, a beaver, a bear cub, a leopard-one, apparently, that had changed its spots-and a brontosaur : Mij was anything but an otter.

1. What surprised the author ?

a. The author was surprised by the beauty of London.

b. The author was surprised about the variety of guesses as to what kind of animal the otter would be.

c. The author was surprised at the speed of the otter.

d. The author was surprised at the kindness of the people in London.

2. To which family do the otters belong?

a. They belong to the dog family of animals.

b. They belong to the cat family of animals.

c. They belong to a small group of animals called mussels.

d. They belong to aquatic family of animals.

3. What other animals belong to the otters family?

a. The otter is similar to the fish, whale, shark etc.

b. The otter is similar to the rat, weasel, mouse etc.

c. The otter is similar to the cat, lion, panther etc.

d. The otter is similar to the badger, mongoose, weasel, stoat, mink and others.

4. What did the author hear outside a dog show about his otter?

a. He heard people bad mouth about his otter.

b. He heard people call his otter a hippo, a beaver, a bear cub, a leopard-one.

c. He heard people talk in awe about his pet otter.

d. He heard people think his otter was a special kind of dog.

5. What is the full form of the word 'hippo'?

a. The full form of the word 'hippo' is hippocampus

b. The full form of the word 'hippo' is hippopotamus.

c. The full form of the word 'hippo' is hipposaurus.

d. The full form of the word 'hippo' is hippolocki.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (30.7k points)
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Best answer

1. b. The author was surprised about the variety of guesses as to what kind of animal the otter would be.

2. c. They belong to a small group of animals called mussels.

3. d. The otter is similar to the badger, mongoose, weasel, stoat, mink and others.

4. b. He heard people call his otter a hippo, a beaver, a bear cub, a leopard-one.

5. b. The full form of the word 'hippo' is hippopotamus.

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