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JEE MAIN 2025 Foundation Course
NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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in Biology by (95.5k points)
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Waste Disposal and Waste Management poses a major problemin present times. Generation of garbage and its disposal is a major threat and consequently leads to servers environmental isssue. The problem is not with biogradable and recycled wastes. We realies that the need is to reduce non-biogradable wastes.
(a) Why is there a great concern of managing non-biodegrable waste in comparison to biodegradable waste ? Explain.
(b) As a member of eco club of your school, suggest any two ways that you will discuss with your fellow members to organise for a 'Zero garbage day' once in a month in the school.

1 Answer

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by (94.9k points)
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Best answer
(a) Non-biodegradable wastes is a type of waste that cannot be broken down into its base by micro-organisms, air moisture or soil.
`*` It causes land and water pollution. Herbours pathogens and vectors and promotes the spread of disease such as cholera and typhoid.
`*` Burning of polystyrene polymers.
`*` Death of animals they ingest the plastic and it entraps in the digestive system.
That is why, it is necessary ti manage non-niodegradable waste in comparison to biodegradable waste.
(b) Zero Garbage Day : (1) Use of Garbege bags and say no to plastic : Whenever you see solid waste, disposed on roads of near by your house, collect all the solid waste and throw it in garbage.
* Use dustbin in place. Do not use plastic materials as they are toxic to nature, humans and animals.
* separately collect the waste which can be recycled and reused.
Dumping station or landfills should be constructed so thet no wast should be left open on roads.
(2) More use Eo-friendly materials : As they are for our enviroment and they do not emit any harmful substance. Go Green and Plant more trees.

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