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NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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Explain in detail about AAHPER youth fitness test items on students along with its scoring.

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by (79.9k points)
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Various AAHPER youth fitness test items included are as follows. 

(a) Pull-ups (for boy): 

Purpose: To measure arm and shoulder strength.

Equipment required: A metal or wooden bar at a convenient height. 

Procedure: The bar is hung at a height where students can freely hang off the floor. With the overhand grip, the student should raise his body until his chin is over the bar and lower it again to the starting position with his arms fully extended. Swinging, Knee bend or snaping your way is not allowed. 

Scoring: One point is scored each time the student completes a pull- up. Part scores do not count and now record the result. 

(b) Flexed arm hang (for girls) 

Purpose: To measure arm and shoulder strength.

Equipment required: A metal or wooden bar approx. 1 1/2 inches in diameter is placed at the subject's height and a stop watch 

Procedure: The height of bar should be adjusted to the standing height of the subject. The student grasp the bar with overhand grip. She then raises her body off the floor with the help of assistant to a position where the chin is above the bar. Now the subject holds the 'hang' position as long as possible. The stop watch is started when subject assumes starting position and stopped when the chin touches the bar. 

Instructions: It is violation if the subjects touches the bar or falls below the bar or head is titled backward. 

Scoring: Time taken by subject to maintain in proper hanging position. Record the timing held. 

(c) Sit-ups 

Purpose: To measure abdominal strength 

Equipment: Floor or a mat. 

Procedure: The student lies flat on the back with knees bent and feet on the floor. The angle of knees is 90o. Fingers are interlocked behind the neck with elbows touching the floor. The feet are held by a partner. The student then curls up to a sitting position and touches the elbows to the knees. This exercise is repeated as many times as possible in 60 seconds (1 minute). 

Instructions: Fingers must remain interlocked. when curling up in sitting position and elbows must be flat on the floor or mat before next sit-up. 

Scoring: The score is the maximum number of sit-ups completed in 60 seconds. Count and record the score.

(d) Shuttle run 

Purpose: To measure speed and agility. 

Equipment: Two parallel lines marked on the floor 30 feet apart, cones or two blocks of wood and a stop watch. 

Procedure: The student stands at one of the lines. on the signal 'go' he runs, takes the block one and returns to the starting line, and places the block behind that line, he then returns to the second block, which is carried across the starting line on the way back. Two trials are permitted. 

Instruction: Do not throw the block or cone. Run across the starting line as fast as possible after collecting the second block. 

Scoring: The score is the elapsed time recorded in seconds better out of the two trials is recorded. 

(e) Standing long (broad) jump 

Purpose: To measure power. 

Equipment: Measuring tape and a mat. 

Procedure: The student stands behind the take-off line with feet several inches apart. He then jumps forward by bending knees and swinging alms backward. Three trials are permitted. Measurement is from the closest heel mark to the take-off line. 

Instructions: Jump as far as possible but take-off must be from both feet simultaneously and land on both the feet. crouch before jump and swing your arms. 

Scoring: The score is the distance between the take-off line and the nearest point where any part of the student's body touches the floor. It is measured in feet and inches to the nearest inch. Only the best trial is recorded. 

(f) 50 yard dash 

Purpose: To measure speed. 

Facilities and equipment: Track or football field, stop watch or split-second timer. 

Procedure: After a short warm-up, the student takes a position behind the starting line. on signal 'go' the student runs across the finish line. one trial is permitted. 

Instruction: On command 'go' run as fast as possible till you cross the finish line. 

Scoring: The elapsed time to the nearest tenth of a second between the starting signal till he crosses the finish line. 

(g) 600 yard run\walk test 

Purpose: To measure endurance. 

Equipment: A track or football field and stop watch. 

Procedure: Students can run in a group of 10-12 students. When a group is running, the timer can call out times as each student crosses the finish line.

Instructions: You must pace yourself by not running too fast at the beginning, but keep going at a speed you think you can maintain. 

Scoring: The score is the elapsed time in minutes and seconds. One trained tester and one assistant is needed to record the scores.

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