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JEE MAIN 2025 Foundation Course
NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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Teaching reading and writing skills in classroom helps student:
1. To develop problem solving skills
2. To get good hand writing
3. To communicate effectively
4. To read properly

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Correct Answer - Option 3 : To communicate effectively

In school and in life, students face a diversity of circumstances that require language skills. For this reason, experience with a variety of reading, writing, and speaking activities in school can help learners acquire the skills they need to be successful. Writing, speaking, and listening is communication skills that are important in all subject areas in the curriculum. Students can communicate more effectively using these skills, such as teaching reading and writing skills in the classroom.

  • Communication strategies, task-based methods, functional methods, and real-life scenarios, among other things, are at the heart of teaching. According to language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing), these methods are implemented using a variety of strategies and procedures. The arrangement of teaching and learning is a collaborative effort between the teacher and the pupils. To make teaching and learning easier, the teacher organizes communication activities in the most efficient way possible.

  • Reading is a process whereby a reader brings meaning to and gets meaning from print. This implies that readers bring their experiences as well as their emotions into play in order to derive meaning from text. Reading outside and inside the classroom helps students develop their reading skills. Perfecting your oratory skills is a crucial role of reading skills in communication.
  • Writing abilities were also honed in the classroom. Consider ways to make writing exercises as meaningful as possible while planning them. This can be accomplished by considering the audience, context, and goal. 

Thus from the above-mentioned points, it is clear that teaching reading and writing skills in the classroom helps students to communicate effectively.

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