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NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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Which of the following is/are the basic concepts of Ivan Pavlov?

I. Extinction

II. Discrimination

III. Higher-order conditioning

IV. Stimulus generalization

1. I, II, III and IV
2. II and III
3. I and III
4. I and II

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Correct Answer - Option 1 : I, II, III and IV

The learning theory of Pavlov is based on his famous experiment of dog. This theory explains learning by associations and focuses on learning of involuntary emotions or psychological responses such as fear, increased muscle tension, salivation or sweating. During the salivation experiment, Pavlov proposed few concepts, which are very important to know, if one wants to understand classical conditioning:

  • Neutral Stimulus: It is a stimulus which is not responsible directly for desired response in neutral condition, e.g.: a tuning fork or a bell has nothing to do with salvation, if it is being used without association with food.
  • Unconditioned Stimulus: It is a stimulus which does not require any conditioning for desired behaviour. Sometimes it is known as natural stimulus also, e.g. Food is an unconditioned stimulus for salivation.
  • Conditioned Stimulus: When a neutral stimulus is conditioned with an unconditioned stimulus for bringing desired behaviour change, it becomes a conditioned stimulus. A bell or a tuning fork when presented as stimulus along with food, and gets conditioned for salivation, it is conditioned stimulus.
  • Unconditioned Response: The behaviour which does not require any training or conditioning for association with an unconditioned stimulus, e.g. salivation is unconditioned response for food as unconditioned stimulus.
  • Conditioned Response (Higher Order Conditioning): The behaviour or response occurred due to conditioned stimulus, is known as a conditioned response, e.g. salivation after ringing the bell or tuning fork is a conditioned response. In the above-mentioned situation, the child is conditioned such that he feels nausea after he ate bitter gourd.
  • Generalization: If behaviour occurs in presence of another stimulus similar to the conditioned one, this is called generalization, e.g. salivation after hearing the sounds similar to bell (sometimes maybe in higher or lower tone also), is called the process of generalization.
  • Discrimination: Pavlov proved that at higher level of conditioning, dog learnt to distinguish the sounds and stopped salivation on sounds other than the bell. This is called discrimination.
  • Extinction: If only conditioned stimulus is being presented repeatedly without associating with the unconditioned one, the desired behaviour (salivation in this context) faded and stopped to occur.
  • Spontaneous Recovery: Pavlov observed, if after extinction, the unconditioned stimulus is being associated again with conditioned stimulus, the behaviour reoccurs immediately.

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