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NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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in Chemistry by (72.7k points)
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1H1 + 1H2 → 2He3 + 0n1

The above nuclear reaction is called:

1. Nuclear fission
2. Nuclear fusion
3. Artificial transmutation 
4. Spontaneous disintegration

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Correct Answer - Option 2 : Nuclear fusion


  • Nuclear fusion: Fusion means joining lighter nuclei to make a heavier nucleus, most commonly hydrogen or hydrogen isotopes to create helium.

2H + 2H → 3He (+ n)

  • It releases a tremendous amount of energy, according to the Einstein equation, as the mass of the product is little less than the sum of the masses of the original individual nuclei. 
  • Nuclear fission: In this process, the nucleus of a heavy atom (such as uranium, plutonium, or thorium), when bombarded with low-energy neutrons, can be split apart into lighter nuclei.
    • When this is done, a tremendous amount of energy is released if the mass of the original nucleus is just a little more than the sum of the masses of the individual products.
    • The fission of an atom of uranium, for example, produces 10 million times the energy produced by the combustion of an atom of carbon from coal. 
    • In a nuclear reactor designed for electric power generation, such nuclear ‘fuel’ can be part of a self-sustaining fission chain reaction that releases energy at a controlled rate.
    • The released energy can be used to produce steam and further generate electricity.
  • Artificial transmutation: The conversion of an element into another element by bombarding it with a fundamental particle is known as artificial transmutation.
    • This process was first carried out on nitrogen whose nucleus was bombarded with an α particle to produce oxygen.
  • Spontaneous transmutation: This is the type of radioactive decay in which certain unstable nuclei of heavier elements split into two nearly equal fragments and liberate a large amount of energy. 
    • Spontaneous fission, discovered (1941) by the Russian physicists G.N.


  • Nuclear fusion is a reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei are combined to form one or more different atomic nuclei and subatomic particles (neutrons or protons).

1H1 + 1H2 → 2He3 + 0n1

  • In the given reaction, two smaller nuclei (deuterium) are combined to form a larger nucleus of helium along with a sub particle neutron.

Hence, it is an example of nuclear fusion.

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