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in Computer by (72.7k points)
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Which of the following extension is not used to save the image file? 
1. .mpg
2. .gif
3. .jpg
4. .bmp

1 Answer

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by (121k points)
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Correct Answer - Option 1 : .mpg

Images: Photographs, sketches, maps and the like constitute images which may also be incorporated into multimedia products. Images can be created through appropriate image processing packages, .BMP, .GIF, .TIF etc. are the extension of the files by which images available in electronic form are identified. Images can also be acquired by scanning the original and incorporating either the original as it is or part of the original by selecting it. Image formats:

  • .bmp files: Bitmap files or .bmp files are the standard Windows Raster format. These files lay emphasis on quick display. It hence stores images in the uncompressed form. They occupy more disk space.
  • .gif files: One of the most popular graphic file formats on the Internet, Graphics Interchange Files (.gif) was developed by Compuserve with the main purpose of archiving information. The .gif images are usually scanned stand-alone pictures that are not ‘drawn’ using an application program. gif is a highly compressible format and very useful format when a large number of images are to be incorporated. It is a standard web format – most browsers have a .gif viewer. The small size of gif images allows quick transmission over the net and it also supports animations.
  • .jpeg/.jpg files: JPEG stands for ‘Joint Photographic Experts Group’ that designed this format for high compression. It is one of the most popular image formats on the web. It has good compression capabilities. It is a web standard (second only to .gif). The .jpg image sizes are small and hence quick transfer over the Internet is possible. It offers flexibility – allows user to choose between image size and picture quality. Picture quality remains accurate at lesser levels of compression.
  • .tiff files TIFF stands for Tagged Image File Format. This format was designed to overcome the problem of application dependence. It was initially designed to become the standard format. This file format is generally used when graphic files need to be moved between different computer types (For example: PC to Mac and vice-versa). This format allows for high resolution and is highly flexible – there are several possibilities of how a .tif image can be saved. It is supported by most scanning and image editing software. The tiff format works well for both on-screen display and print of photographs.

It should be noted that MPEG is a video file format, which is a popular format for movies that are distributed on the internet.

Hence, we conclude that MPEG is not an image format.

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