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JEE MAIN 2025 Foundation Course
NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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A ______ is a large piece of paper or a board which is made into a poster or a picture by sticking on illustrations.
1. Word stars
2. Collage
3. Dialogues
4. Vocabulary charts

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Correct Answer - Option 2 : Collage

Teaching-learning materials (TLMs) are tools, which are used by teachers to help learners to learn concepts with ease and efficiency. The role of TLMs in the classroom is to make learning real, practical, and fun for children. Teachers use TLMs to illustrate or reinforce a skill, fact, or idea. TLMs also help in bringing novelty and freshness in classroom teaching as it relieves learners from anxiety, fear, and boredom. The Instructional Materials could best be classified into three forms: audio, visual, and audio-visual aids. The audio (deal with sound only) the visual (as insight) and audiovisual (a combination of audio and visual i.e. sound and vision).

Some instructional materials that can be used by the teacher of English to make the teaching-learning transaction effective are:

  • Collage: It is a large piece of paper or a board that is made into a poster or a picture by sticking on illustrations. Pictures and cut-outs are required for young learners to understand the concept better. Pictures give concrete shape to our understanding of things and characters. They also give knowledge of the context. A picture is a useful instrument for the teacher of English to teach the language to young learners. There is a popular saying that says, “a picture is better than thousand words”. Pictures are helpful in presenting abstract things in a concrete manner. As pictures are attractive, they hold the attention of learners easily. Moreover, illustration through pictures saves time and energy.
  • Word stars: It is a language where the students have to find the hidden or match the words. Language games, if organized well with care and interest, help the learners, especially the young ones acquire a lot of languages because while playing games learners have opportunities to learn without stress and anxiety, which is good for learning.
  • Dialogues: Dialogue is a conversation between two or more people for the purpose of communication. It is the most popular communicative activity that people are mostly engaged in everyday life. It is a popular task for speaking as well as listening.
  • Vocabulary Charts: When information is presented graphically, it is known as a chart. In the vocabulary chart, the teacher introduces new words by writing their meanings and the use of the word in a sentence or sometimes provide the visual image. Generally, charts are used when it is essential to present a large quantity of information or to present the relationship between parts of information. For the purposes of clarity, it is desirable to consider charts as a means of visualization with certain attributes. It may be defined ‘as combinations of graphic and pictorial media designed for orderly and logical visualizing of relationships between key facts or ideas’.

From the above, we can conclude that a collage is a large piece of paper or a board that is made into a poster or a picture by sticking on illustrations.

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