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in Biology by (37.5k points)
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What special adaptations can be seen in the following organisms?

a) mangrove trees 

b) camel 

c) fish 

d) dolphins 

e) planktons

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by (36.3k points)
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a) Mangrove trees :

1. Mangroves grow in a wet and salty place near the sea shore. 

2. From their roots arise pneumatophores or knees. 

3. These pneumatophores develop from the lateral roots that are growing near the surface and protrude upto 12 inches out of the soil.

4. Pneumatophores. aid the plants in maintaining adequate root respiration in a watery environment.

b) Camel:

1. In camel hump stores fat fordater use. 

2. Long eyelashes protects eye from sand. 

3. Nostrils closes voluntarily to protect from blowing sand.

4. Long legs keeps the body away from hot ground.

c) Fish :

1. The body is covered by scales. 

2. Fishes bear specialised structures to swim like fins. 

3. Fishes have floaters in their body (special structures of their digestive canals) to be able to inhabit particular levels in the water body. 

4. Fishes respire with gills.

d) Dolphins:

Dolphins have adapted to their environment in the following ways : 

Fins shape – A dolphins tail goes up and down to help it dive up to get the air. The shape of their fins also help to propel them through the water. 

To help dolphins save oxygen while they dive under water, their heart beat slower during a dive and their blood is diverted from other parts of their body to their heart, lungs and brain. They also save oxygen via muscles, which have a protein called myo-globin which in turn stores oxygen. 

They have a blubber or fat which provides insulation helping the dolphin stay warmer under cold water. 

They have a body covering of skin. The upper most layer of skin produces an oil which forms a film that cover the dolphin’s body. 

Being mammal dolphin breathe with lungs rather than gills. So they breathe from a blow hole which closes before the dolphin goes into the water. The long nose helps the dolphin to fight sharks and their teeth help them to catch fish. 

They have well developed echo location by which they locate other animals and also communicate with each other.

e) Planktons:

Microscopic photosynthetic organisms like planktons have droplets of oil in their cells that keeps them float.

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