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in Prose - Sea Turtles by (35 points)
COMMON SUMMATIVE EXAMINATION - 2022 STANDARD - VI \( \quad \) Reg. No, ENGLISH Time : \( 2.00 hrs \) \( 3 \times 1=3 \) I. Choose the correct synonyms: 1. Trees dry in a blaze of heat. a) bright flame b) hot c) dark 2. The boys leaped over the stream. a) Shuffled b) Jumped c) Jogged 3. On seeing the snake, he ran in panic. a) calm b) fear c) bold II. Choose the correct antonyms: \( 3 \times 1=3 \) 1. He went to a shady place. \( \begin{array}{ll}\text { a) cool b) sunny } & \text { b) }\end{array} \) c) dark 2. During summer the roads are dusty and hot. a) clean b) dirty c) clumsy 3. The man cub is mine and will come to me in the end. a) last \( \begin{array}{ll}\text { b) stop } & \text { C) start }\end{array} \) Section - B - Grammar \( 3 \times 1=3 \) III. Answer all the questions: 1. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words: (a) Our team played well won the game (but, because, and ) (b) The box was heavy he could not lift it. ( \( \$ 0 \), because, and ) (c) You can use your pen a pencil for writing. (but, and, ( \( \frac{(\text { b }}{3 \times 1=3} \) ) 2. Underline the correct adverb: (a) Anand has decided to submit his project tomorrow. (b) Paraman sang in choir happily. (c) The cat ran behind. 3. Put the word in the correct order to make sentences: \( 3 \times 1=3 \) (a) came / Anand / to / school / early Anond carre to scheol eanly (b) softly / Murali / speaks Murate speats? \( 80 f^{\text {fley }} \) 4. Identify the kinds of sentences: Somebody s los sternding / \( 3 \times 1=3 \) (a) Howmany kilos do you want? intrrogative (b) Don't make noise. imparative (c) Please give me your ticket. intrrogative 5. Fill in the blanks with correct articles: \( 3 \times 1=3 \) (a) Sujatha is reading an interesting story in the library. (b) The child was playing with a yellow balloon. (c) Suresh was astonished to see \( a^{\prime} \) huge statue. necriby 6. Underline the correct adjectives: \( 3 \times 1=3 \)

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