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JEE MAIN 2025 Foundation Course
NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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in English Grammar by (36.7k points)
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Concorde, the world’s fastest passenger plane, __(1)__ by France and Britain together. In the 1950s, both countries dreamed of having a supersonic plane, and the project __(2)__ in 1962. £1.5 billion __(3)__ on developing the Concorde, and it __(4)__ for over 5.000 hours, which makes it the most tested plane in history. The first passenger plane __(5)__ by British Airways and Air France in 1976. The Concorde holds many world records, including the fastest crossing of the Atlantic Ocean from New York to London, which __(6)__ in 2 hours 45 seconds! Flying at twice the speed of sound means that flying time __(7)__ by half, which is why the Concorde flight between London and New York __(8)__ a lot by business people and film stars - you can leave Britain at 10.30 and arrive in New York an hour earlier! Twenty planes __(9)__ up to the present day. But there are no plans to build any more. Each plane __(10)__ at a cost of £55 million, which makes them very expensive! 1. 

A) developed B) have been developed C) was developed D) develops 

2. A) was started B) starts C) have been started D) started 

3. A) spend B) was spent C) have been spent D) spent 

4. A) has tested B) tested C) have been tested D) was tested 

5. A) introduce B) has been introduced C) introduces D) was introduced 

6. A) have been achieved B) was achieved C) will achieve D) achieved 

7. A) was reduced B) has reduced C) is reduced D) will be reduced 

8. A) had been used B) uses C) used D) is used 

9. A) were built B) are built C) have been built D) build 

10. A) is being produced B) is produced C) was produced D) has been produced

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (35.6k points)
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Best answer

1 C) was developed

2 A) was started

3 C) have been spent

4 D) was tested

5 D) was introduced

6 B) was achieved

7 A) was reduced

8 D) is used

9 C) have been built

10 B) is produced

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