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in Social Science by (67.8k points)
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Write notes about the wildlife on the verge of extinction.

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by (68.9k points)
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Today many wild animals of the world are on the verge of extinction. A few of them have been become extinct. In the last century, tigers were found throughout India. One could see tigers even in Gujarat in the forests of Idar, Ambaji and Danta. Today, the have become completely extinct from Gujarat. Cheetah is also becoming extinct from Indian forests. Many species for birds which were very easily seen in Indian forests are now hardly seen. Birds like vulture, duck with pink throat, cranes and owls are on the verge of extinction. Chilotro bird which was once found in abundance in Arunachal Pradesh is hard to find today.

The fresh water alligators and Ganga River dolphins are on the verge of extinction. The number of sea turtles that used to r come to the coasts of Odisha and Gujarat is Constantly decreasing. Water-fowls (Jalbiladi) once found ‘ frequently in Narmada, Tapi, Mahi and Sabarmati rivers of Gujarat are almost extinct. Looking such a condition of dwindling wildlife, it is utmost necessary that we make concrete effort to save what is left. Reasons for the destruction of wildlife Human interference in grasslands and in watershed area of the forests has increased. This has put natural habitat of the wild animals in danger. Destruction of forests in the main reason for natural imbalance. When natural imbalance takes place the number of wild animals decrease.

Hunting the animals to obtain hair, skin (hide), bones, horns or nails is also responsible for reduction of wildlife. To fulfil his greed and need, man exploits forests to his maximum capacity. He keeps on building, roads, multi-purpose projects, mining minerals, expanding new settlements, etc. Thus, man has entered forests, cut them and has displaced wild animals. Forest fire is another reason in which several animals, birds and insects die.

When the forest fire occurs at the procreative time of animals or the time of hatching of eggs, it creates a very adverse effect on the number of wild animals in the forest. Due to the loss of their natural habitats animals become homeless. Hence, they enter into areas of human dwellings and even attack them and their domestic animals. To this humans attack wild animals and also kill them many a times. Humans also hunt animals to make certain medicines, perfume, etc. This also reduces their number.

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