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in Social Science by (50.7k points)
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Write short notes on the following:

1. Quit India Movement

2. Dandi March

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1. Quit India Movement

In 1942, Gandhiji asked the British to leave India immediately. Gandhiji asked the people of India to follow the principle of ‘Do or Die’ and to continue the struggle against the British in a non-violent manner. The historical resolution of ‘Quit India’ was passed on 8th August, 1942, during the Mumbai session of the Indian National Congress. Gandhiji and other leaders were arrested on 9th August.

This gave new impetus to the movement. Thus, the ‘Quit India’ movement spread all over the country. To curb this movement, the government adopted suppressive measures like mass arrest: however, they were unsuccessful in stopping the Indians. So the British government realized that now their hold over the people of India would not be for long. This revolution is of great importance in India’s struggle for freedom.

2. Dandi March

The British government had made salt a taxable commodity. Moreover, they monopolized the production and trade of salt. Mahatma Gandhi and other nationalists felt that it was unjust to put a tax on salt as it is the most essential component of our daily diet. So Gandhiji announced that he would carry out a march to break the salt law. On 12th March, 1930 Gandhiji, along with 78 companions, had started the Dandi March from Sabarmati Ashram in Ahmedabad. Gandhiji reached Dandi on 5th April, 1930.

The next day, i.e. on 6th April, he reached the Dandi seacoast and picked up a fistful of salt and broke the salt law. He said, “With this I am shaking the foundations of the British Empire.” Farmers, tribal people and women actively participated in the movement. The government resorted to suppressive methods and arrested thousands of Satyagrahis.

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