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NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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in English by (67.0k points)
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Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions given below them:

January 26

Winter Rains in the Hills

In the hushed silence of the house when I am quite alone, and my friend, who was here has gone, it is very lonely, very quiet, as I sit in a liquid silence, a silence within, surrounded by the rhythm of rain, the steady drift of water on leaves, on lemons, on roof, drumming on drenched dahlias and window panes, while the mist holds the house in a dark caress.

As I pause near a window, the rain stops. And starts again. And the trees, no longer green but grey, menace me with their loneliness.

March 23

Late March. End of winter.

The blackest cloud I’ve ever seen squatted over Mussoorie, and then it hailed marbles for half an hour. Nothing like a hailstorm to clear the sky. Even as I write, I see a rainbow forming.

(1) Where is the writer now ? What is he doing?

(2) What is the writer surrounded by ? Describe his feelings.

(3) What does the writer see through his window?

(4) Describe the hailstorm.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (71.2k points)
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Best answer

1. The writer is alone in the house sitting in a liquid silence.

2. The writer is surrounded by the rhythm of rain. He feels the steady drift of water on leaves, on lemons, on roof. It is drumming on drenched dahlias and window panes. And the mist has held the house in a dark caress.

3. Through his window, the writer sees the rain stopping and then starting once again. The trees look grey.

4. There is the blackest cloud settle over Mussoorie and it hailed marbles for half an hour. Then the sky became quite clear after this.

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