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What is Physical Education? Mention its Aim.

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Physical Education:

Physical Education deals with the knowledge-pertaining to human body. It gives direction in the development and growth of the body, and its means are physical exercises. Many scholars have given definitions about this subject, some of which are given below:

1. D. Oberteuffer says:

“Physical education is the sum of those experiences which come to the individual through movement.”

2. According to R. Cassidy:

“Physical education is the sum of change in the individual caused by experiences which bring in motor activity.”

3. J.B. Nash thinks:

“Physical education is that phase of the whole field of education that deals with big muscle activities and their related responses.”

4. According to J.F. Williams:

“Physical education is the sum of men’s physical activities selected as to kind and conducted as to outcomes.”

5. In the words of Charles A. Bucher:

“Physical education is an integral part of total education process in a field of endeavour which has as its aim the development of physically, mentally, emotionally and socially fit citizens through the medium of physical activities, which have been selected with a view to realizing these outcomes.”

6. J.R. Sharman thinks:

“Physical education is that part of education which takes place through activities which involve that motor mechanism of the human body and which results in the individual’s formulating behaviour patterns.” According to the definition provided by Central Advisory Board of Physical Education and Recreation, “Physical Eudcation is education. It is education through physical activities for the development of the total personality of the child to its perfection in body, mind and spirit.”

7. In the words of A.R. Wayman:

“Physical Education is that part of Education which has to do with the development and training of the whole individual through physical activities.”
The following points emerge from the study of above-mentioned definitions:

  • Physical education is an integral part of education.
  • Physical activities are the medium of Physical Education.
  • The aim of Physical Education is not merely to make human body healthy and beautiful but also to ensure all-round development of human personality.
  • Today’s physical education is planned and organised on scientific lines.

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