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Read the source and answer the following questions:

A man named Dasrath Manjhi was a resident of Bihar. His village was surrounded by mountains. He worked between the hills. His wife Falguni Devi was coming to give him his lunch. She fell down from the hill. The hospital was 55 km away from his village. The actual distance was 15 km if there were no mountains in between. If his wife would have rushed to the hospital in time, she could have survived. So she died. With these thoughts in mind, Manjhi, constantly worked hard for 22 years to cut the mountain and made a 360 ft. long and 30 ft. wide road. At first, people made fun of him. by calling him crazy but once the road was built he came to be known as “The Mountain Man”.

1. Who was Dasrath Manjhi ?

2. How big was the road made by Manjhi?

3. Why is Dasrath Manjhi called the ‘Mountain Man’?

4. Why did Manjhi make a road by cutting a mountain?

5. How did Manjhi’s wife die?

1 Answer

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by (119k points)
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1. Dasrath Manjhi lived in Bihar who made a road by cutting a mountain.

2. Manjhi worked hard for 22 years to cut the mountain and make a 360 feet long and 30 feet wide road.

3. Dasrath Manjhi is called the ‘Mountain Man’ because he cut the mountain and cut the road for the convenience of the public.

4. Manjhi’s wife slipped from a hill and died when she was coming to him to serve the lunch and that’s why he made a road so that people can reach the hospital very easily and quickly.

5. She died by slipping from a hill while she was on the way to serve lunch to her husband Dasrath Manjhi.

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