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in English by (21.9k points)

Paragraph on Republic Day in 300 words.

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2 Answers

+1 vote
by (125 points)
Good morning to everyone present here on this auspicious occasion. All of us are here to celebrate the 72nd republic day of our country today. I am obliged and honored to give a speech on republic day. Republic Day, celebrated every year on 26th January has a special significance in the history of India. To make the event memorable the national event is celebrated every year with a lot of joy, happiness, and pride in our hearts. As we know on 26 January 1950, the Indian constitution came into effect and so from that day we the people of India constantly praise it as the Republic Day of our country. We all know that India got independence on 15 August 1947 but the nation didn’t have any constitution of its own. However, after many discussions and considerations, a committee headed by Dr. BR Ambedkar submitted a draft of the Indian constitution which was adopted on 26th November 1949 and officially came into effect on 26th January 1950. I wanna end this speech by saying that India is a democratic country. The citizens living in a democratic country enjoy the privilege to elect their leader to lead the country. Although there has been a lot of improvement till now, it can also be said that we have been facing a few problems such as pollution, poverty, Unemployment, etc. One thing we all can do is promise each other that we will become a better version of ourselves so that we could contribute to solving all these problems and making our nation a better place. Thank you, Jai Hind.
0 votes
by (23.9k points)

Republic Day : Implementation day of the Indian constitution.

India celebrated it’s first Republic Day in 1950 on the 26th of January. The country got Independence in 1947, and then there was a constituent assembly formed for making the Constitution. It took two years to make the Constitution by the constituent assembly. It was finally completed on the 26th of November in 1949. The announcement of its implementation was built on the 26th of January, 1950.

The day the 26th of January holds a lot of historical importance for the country. Two important things happened on this day. One, Jawarharlal Nehru was elected as the President of the Indian National Congress, and second, Poorna Swaraj was declared this day. Poorna Swaraj means Independence Day. 

Jawarharlal Nehru made a promise to the country to get free India of the oppressors. Therefore, the 26th of January was celebrated as Independence Day. However, that changed after we got our Independence on the 15th of August,1947. Hence, the 26th of January was celebrated as Republic Day.

After India got Independence, it was an important step to make a constitution for the country. There was a constituent assembly appointed, especially for making the Constitution of India. After two years, eleven months, and eighteen days the Constitution was finally made. On the 26th of January, 1950, the Constitution was eventually adopted and implemented in the country. The same day is referred to as Republic Day.

The whole country celebrates the 26th of January as Republic Day. It is a day that has been declared as a national holiday. People all across the country celebrate this day, they hoist the flag and organize events. The President of the country raises the national flag on the Rajpath in New Delhi. People from all over the country visit the Rajpath. 

On this day to witness the grand celebration of Republic Day. India celebrated it’s 70th Republic Day in 2020. The first President of the country, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, started the hoisting the flag ceremony in his years in the office.

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