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in English by (21.9k points)

Essay on Physical Education in 500 words  

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by (23.9k points)

Physical Education : Exercising regularly keeps one away from diseases.

In modern times, it is widely known that exercising regularly keeps one away from diseases and chronic illness. Therefore, the majority of the schools have included physical education in their curriculum. Besides, physical education has been given huge importance in schools and colleges to promote the stability of health and mind of the students. Physical education involves training the body for enhanced development of the body and mind.

Physical activities are useful for individuals to improve their motor and cognitive skills through frequent and vigorous exercises, activities, athletics, and so on. Witnessing the numerous advantages of physical education on the human body and its influence on people’s lives, it is tough to ignore its importance. Physical education assists the students in learning the importance of having a stable body and mind. The students also learn the benefits of frequent fitness exercises in their everyday schedule. Since it results in a cheerful and excited mood, it is quite helpful for the children to stay fit, build strength in their muscles and enhance their stamina.

Several types of research show that the confidence level of the students involved in everyday physical activities is high. Participating regularly in sports, either team or solo can be beneficial for the growth of an individual’s character. Physical education acts as a motivation that drives students to take part in such activities and enjoy winning. It also teaches the students to take losses optimistically. Thus, leading to the progression of the entire personality and character of an individual.

By encouraging the students to take part in several activities like sports, most team sports, physical education helps them improve their team skills. The students realize the advantage and importance of working as a part of the team. It also teaches them how to work cooperatively to obtain a specific objective. Therefore, this helps to offer the students with better communication skills and the skill to mix up with people easily.

Besides, it is known that the addition of physical education in schools has helped to bring out emotionally stability in students. So, the physical education instructors can play a vital role in helping the students to make up accurate decisions in life by pushing them towards a healthy routine. Several decisions taken up by the students in their early times tend to make a huge difference in their future or health emotionally.

Physical education helps people to acquire a higher level of understanding regarding several aspects of one’s health. In the present world, the increase in the rates of diseases likes, bulimia, anaemia, obesity, diabetes, etc. are high amongst the younger generation.

Therefore, students learn to adopt a better diet through physical education. They learn to add nutrients and healthy foods in their diet rather than junk foods. Since through physical education, the students learn the demerits of unhealthy foods and their harmful effects. The importance of cleanliness and hygiene is also highlighted through physical education. The students get to learn about the health benefits that they can achieve through proper personal hygiene. It also helps the students relax and learn to relieve excess stress.

asked Apr 29 in English by (20 points)
edited Apr 29 by
Why the education is for students.

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