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NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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in Physics by (15 points)
State the ranges of temperature and pressure as well as the states for which the thermodynamic properties of saturated steam are tabulated in the steam tables.

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by (170 points)
The thermodynamic properties of saturated steam are typically tabulated in steam tables for a range of temperatures and pressures. The specific ranges can vary between different sets of steam tables, but the following is a general guideline for standard steam tables:

Saturated Steam Tables:

Temperature Range: The temperature range for which properties of saturated steam are tabulated typically starts at the saturation temperature corresponding to the lowest pressure and ends at the saturation temperature corresponding to the highest pressure for which the tables are provided.

Pressure Range: The pressure range in saturated steam tables usually covers a wide range, typically from very low pressures (near vacuum) to relatively high pressures encountered in various industrial processes. It includes both sub-atmospheric and superheated conditions.

States: The thermodynamic properties in saturated steam tables are tabulated for two main states:

a. Saturated Liquid (Subcooled Liquid): This state corresponds to the condition of water just before it starts boiling or vaporizing. It is at a temperature below the saturation temperature for a given pressure. The properties in this state include density, enthalpy, entropy, and specific volume.

b. Saturated Vapor (Saturated Steam): This state corresponds to the condition of steam at its saturation temperature and pressure. At this state, the steam is in equilibrium with liquid water, and its properties include specific volume, enthalpy, entropy, and other thermodynamic parameters.

The properties of saturated steam are tabulated to help engineers and scientists in various fields, such as thermodynamics, heat transfer, and fluid dynamics, perform calculations and analysis related to steam-based processes and systems.

It's important to note that the specific temperature and pressure ranges covered in steam tables may vary between different sources and standards, so it's essential to refer to the specific steam tables relevant to your application for precise data.

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