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How data influence our lives?

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by (44.8k points)
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Data heavily influence our daily lives, starting from online shopping to watching our favorite shows on television to ordering food from the best restaurants. Data and data analysis have a significant impact on our lives.

We are continuously provided with statistical information on sports, medicine, education, public opinions, economy, etc. By newspapers and other media sources. This information helps us make personal decisions and allows us to meet our social responsibilities. Data also helps us in maintaining our health. For Example, fitness bands are useful in tracking our heart rates and other fitness statistics. We can also make career decisions by analyzing various education options.

Data also enables business leaders to make decisions based on historical data. They analyze budgets, market demands, sales forecasts, etc., which helps them make informed choices.

Below are a few of the essential aspects of our lives that are impacted by data:


Data has influenced many areas of the healthcare industry. 

a. Tracking the medical history of patients and health patterns 

b. Prediction of disease transmission and epidemics 

c. Maintaining treatment protocols and potential cures 

d. Personal fitness devices like wrist bands etc.

Online shopping 

Online sellers analyze customer's historical purchases, searches, etc., to come up with targeted marketing. They reach out to consumers with curated offers and advertisements. They also compare shopping patterns of other customers to suggest frequently bought items.


Most of the college and school admission processes are now digitized. Also, students explore various career options by analyzing historical records of universities and educational institutes.


Several popular travel apps predict traffic congestion and help us plan our travel. Also, we analyze feedback from different travelers on hotels and resorts to plan our vacation. Some travel systems predict the cost of flights based on historical data. All of these are examples of data, and its analysis impacts travel in our daily lives.

Online shows 

With the advancement in data analysis techniques, we are seeing most online streaming platforms recommending personalized content. They record previous watch history and determine which actors, genres, concepts appeal more to the viewers. They also predict which shows will become popular. They also provide users with ratings and feedback based on the historical input of other viewers.

Real life usage of data

Real life usage of data

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