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in History by (265 points)
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write about nomads.

2 Answers

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by (1.7k points)
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Nomads are people who do not have a permanent home, but move from place to place in search of food, water, pasture, or other resources. Nomads can be found in different regions and climates around the world, and they have various ways of living and adapting to their environment. Some of the common types of nomads are: 

  • Hunter-gatherer nomads: These are nomads who rely on hunting animals and collecting wild plants for their survival. They usually follow the seasonal availability of their resources and have a deep knowledge of their surroundings. Some examples of hunter-gatherer nomads are the San of Africa, the Aboriginal Australians, and the Negritos of Southeast Asia.
  • Pastoral nomads: These are nomads who raise livestock such as sheep, goats, camels, or cattle. They move with their animals in search of grazing land and water sources. They often have a strong connection to their animals, which provide them with food, clothing, and transportation. Some examples of pastoral nomads are the Bedouins of the Middle East, the Mongols of Central Asia, and the Maasai of East Africa.
  • Peripatetic nomads: These are nomads who travel to trade goods, provide services, or engage in various crafts. They are not necessarily tied to agriculture or herding, but rather to the demand and supply of their skills and products. They often have a unique cultural identity and traditions that emphasize mobility and adaptability. Some examples of peripatetic nomads are the Romani people of Europe, the Irish Travellers, and the Banjara of India. Nomads have a rich and diverse history and culture, and they have contributed to the development and exchange of ideas, technologies, and arts among different civilizations. However, nomads also face many challenges and threats to their livelihood and identity, such as environmental degradation, urbanization, modernization, and government policies. Many nomads are trying to preserve their heritage and adapt to the changing times, while others are settling down or integrating into the mainstream society
0 votes
by (44.9k points) 1 flag
  • People who regularly moved from place to place and led a mobile life are called ‘nomads’.
  • Nomadic people used to live in small groups and lived under rocks, caves and trees.
  • Men and women both used to participate in hunting and gathering activities.
  • Men used to trail large animals for days in order to hunt.
  • On the other hand, women and children used to hunt small animals and gather food items.
  • They used to share the food items that they collected among the entire group. This helped them to build a strong bond among themselves.
  • The food items that they used to consume were obtained from nature therefore, there was no concept of rich or poor.
  • All the decisions that they made were discussed together.
  • These people had a great respect towards nature and used to worship the animals that they used to hunt so they may get a continuous supply of food.

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