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in Commerce by (100 points)
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Q.4. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below it.

 A demonstration was held in New York on 8 March 1857. It was the first demonstration by working women and its demands were for fewer working hours, proper remuneration, provision of crèches, etc. On 8 March 1909 women went on strike for the very same dermands. That is why, this day was declared as the Women's Struggle Day at the Women's Socialist International, a conference held in Denmark. The United Nations had declared 1975 as the International Women's Year. The three aspects of this programme were peace, development and equality between men and women. In 1975, the government of India constituted the Committee on the Status of Women and appointed Dr Phulrenu Gaha as its Chairman. A comprehensive survey was conducted of several issues such as the social position of women, their status, the consequences of the constitutional provisions made for women as also education of women and its percentage, their progress due to education, difficulties faced by working women, the position of women with respect to work/livelihood, their wages (relative to men's wages), the female-male ratio, birth and mortality rates and the role of women. 

(1) When and where was the first demonstration of working women held?

(2) what were the demands of working women?

(3) which year was observed as the international women's year and which day is celebrated as the international women's day?

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1 Answer

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by (44.8k points)

1. The first demonstration by working women was held in New York on March 8, 1857.

2. The demands of working women during the demonstrations included fewer working hours, proper remuneration, provision of crèches (daycare facilities), and other similar demands related to better working conditions.

3. The United Nations declared 1975 as the International Women's Year. International Women's Day, commemorated on March 8th each year, was declared as Women's Struggle Day at the Women's Socialist International conference held in Denmark after women went on strike in 1909 for the same demands as the earlier demonstration in 1857.

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