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in Political Science by (865 points)
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Recorganisation of the Security Council and its shape of Democratic need of hour." Give your some arguments in favour of India's

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by (47.6k points)
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  1. Population and Representation:

    • India is the world's second-most populous country, representing a significant portion of the global population. In a democratic framework, representation should reflect the diversity and size of the world's population.
  2. Economic Importance:

    • India has emerged as one of the world's largest economies. A restructured Security Council should include countries that play a crucial role in the global economic landscape to ensure that economic concerns are adequately represented in international decision-making.
  3. Contributions to Peacekeeping:

    • India has a long history of contributing to UN peacekeeping missions. Its commitment to maintaining global peace and security through participation in these missions demonstrates its readiness to take on responsibilities associated with Security Council membership.
  4. Commitment to Democratic Values:

    • India is the world's largest democracy and upholds democratic principles, rule of law, and respect for human rights. Including India in the Security Council aligns with the democratic ideals the United Nations seeks to promote.
  5. Regional Stability:

    • India's geopolitical significance and its role in maintaining stability in South Asia make it a crucial player in regional peace. A Security Council with India as a member would be better equipped to address regional conflicts and promote stability.
  6. Diverse Perspectives:

    • Including India in the Security Council would bring diverse perspectives to the decision-making process. This diversity is essential to ensuring a more comprehensive and representative approach to addressing global challenges.
  7. Nuclear Non-Proliferation:

    • As a responsible nuclear power, India can contribute valuable insights to discussions on nuclear non-proliferation. Its inclusion in the Security Council could enhance the council's effectiveness in dealing with issues related to disarmament and non-proliferation.
  8. Global Governance Reforms:

    • Many argue that the composition of the Security Council should reflect the contemporary global power structure. Reforming the Security Council to include countries like India is seen as a step towards making the UN more representative of the 21st-century geopolitical realities.
  9. Commitment to Multilateralism:

    • India has consistently demonstrated its commitment to multilateralism and diplomacy in addressing global challenges. Its participation in the Security Council could strengthen the council's ability to address issues through diplomatic means.
  10. Humanitarian Initiatives:

    • India has been involved in various humanitarian initiatives globally. Its inclusion in the Security Council would enable it to contribute more effectively to international efforts in addressing humanitarian crises and promoting development.

It's worth noting that discussions on the reform of the UN Security Council are ongoing, and various proposals have been put forward by different countries. Arguments in favor of India's inclusion often center around the principles of representation, democracy, and the need for a more inclusive and effective global governance structure.

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