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in Biology by (840 points)
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imageCan anyone please tell me the answers of these questions?

2 Answers

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by (610 points)
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1. Goat's milk is often considered easier to digest than cow's milk due to its smaller fat globules and different protein structure, making it closer to human milk composition.

2. The primary distinction between a cow's stomach and a human's stomach is the number of compartments. Cows have a four-compartment stomach (rumen, reticulum, omasum, abomasum), while humans have a simpler, single-chambered stomach.

3. During vomiting, the food moves in the opposite direction due to the coordinated contraction of muscles in the stomach and esophagus, pushing the contents upward and out through the mouth.

4. Bees pull nectar from flowers into their mouth through a mode of feeding known as (c) SUCKING

by (840 points)
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by (15.6k points)
barbie5878, hello

1. Not only does goat milk contain less lactose, but its fat content is also much simpler for human digestion than cow milk. This means that the fat globules in goat milk are smaller and easier for our milk fat-dissolving enzyme — lipase— to break into smaller pieces as they pass through our gut.

2. The stomach of cows is composed of four chambers unlike human stomach which has a single chamber. The food in cows is firstly introduced in the first chamber of the stomach called rumen. In rumen, partial digestion of food occurs and the partially digested food is called cud.

3. In cases of vomiting, the food comes out of the stomach towards the esophagus and moves upward through anti-peristaltic movement. The food together with the stomach acid moves upward towards the mouth and comes out.

4. (c) sucking  Bees collect nectar from flowers. Nectar is the sweet liquid that entices the bees to the flower. The bees climb onto or into the flower and suck up the nectar with their straw-like mouth and collect it in a little sac called a crop. They also collect pollen on their legs.

Please let me know if this was helpful.

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