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The Covid – 19 pandemic has become a major global challenge, especially for Health care sector. In the current situation where the number of positive cases of Covid-19 is outstripping existing health care facilities, an economically feasible therapeutic option is of critical importance. Strategies that can improve immune surveillance and resilience in terms of reduction in inflammatory markers and improvement in the activity of the specific immune cells involved in the pathogenesis of COVID-19 is the need of the hour. Non –specific ways of improving overall lost immunity are the need of the hour. Thus, traditional Indian systems of treating ailments through yogasana should be explored for their potential role in improving lost immunity and reducing severity of the infection.

Yogaasana and Pranayama emphasise on modulation of lost factor such as regulation and moderation of the lifestyle factors. Host immunity is down regulated due to altered lifestyle patterns such as consumption of unwholesome food, physical activity, improper sleep, wake cycle, and increase in workload, stress and addictions. This results in fragility of the immune resilience that make the lost succumb to the virulence of the virus. Thus, the aim of yoga therapeutics is to enhance lost immunity and reduce the extent of infection and inflammation in the body by balancing body hormones and lifestyle factors.  

The Practice of asanas i.e. Sarvangasana, Halasana, Bhujangasana, Shalbhasana, Dharunasana, Vajrasana, Tadasana, and Anulom-Viloma etc.involves the body, breath and mind, affecting many systems simultaneously and resulting in reduced anxiety and perceived stress and increase positive well-being. The impact of asana and pranayama on mental well-being, has been suggested to be mediated mainly by improvement in autonomic responses to stress and copying behaviours.  

Yogic practice is linked to improved immunity and stress regulation as well as better emotional regulation. Yogasana can be helpful across a broad range of symptoms of mental illness.

Traditional Indian System of Treating ailments through 

a) Yogasana 

b) Exercise 

c) Gym 

d) Aerobics

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1 Answer

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by (20.4k points)

Correct option is: a) Yogasana

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