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Give A Letter to God Summary in English

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2 Answers

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by (1.7k points)
"A Letter to God" is a short story written by Gregorio López y Fuentes. The story revolves around a poor farmer named Lencho who writes a letter to God seeking financial assistance after a hailstorm destroys his crops. Despite his poverty, Lencho believes in God's benevolence and trusts that his plea will be answered.

Lencho's faith is so strong that he is convinced that God will send him the money he needs. He even addresses the letter simply to "God" and places it in the mailbox with complete confidence. After some time, a response arrives, much to Lencho's delight.

However, upon opening the letter, Lencho finds only a small amount of money enclosed. Disappointed and convinced that the postal workers must have taken some of the money, Lencho writes another letter to God, this time expressing his disappointment and requesting the remaining amount.

The story ends with the postmaster and other postal workers being moved by Lencho's faith and sincerity. They decide to collect money among themselves to fulfill Lencho's request. Despite his initial disappointment, Lencho eventually receives the full amount he had requested, restoring his faith in God's providence.

In summary, "A Letter to God" is a story about faith, resilience, and the kindness of strangers. It highlights the power of belief and the importance of community in times of need.
0 votes
by (32.4k points)

A Letter to God” is a story by G.L. Fuentes about a poor farmer named Lencho who strongly believes in God. Lencho, a simple and dedicated farmer, hoped for a good harvest. Unfortunately, a hailstorm destroyed all his crops. Seeing the damage, Lencho felt very sad, but he didn’t lose faith in God. Despite being poor, Lencho knew how to read and write. He was sure that God would help him, so he decided to write a letter to God asking for a hundred pesos to plant his fields again and prevent his family from going hungry. Lencho then mailed the letter at the post office, believing that God would answer his plea.

When the postman took the letter from the mailbox, he laughed a lot while reading it. He quickly went to the postmaster and showed him the funny letter. The postmaster also laughed when he saw that the letter was for God. But, he was touched by the farmer’s strong belief in God. He praised the farmer for his unwavering faith and decided to help. The postmaster asked the post office workers to donate some money as charity. He also gave a part of his own salary to make sure Lencho’s faith in God stayed strong. However, the money collected was a bit less than what Lencho had asked from God. The postmaster put all the money in an envelope and sent it to the poor farmer.

On the next Sunday, Lencho went to the post office to see if there was a letter for him. The postmaster gave him the letter. Lencho wasn’t surprised to find money inside the envelope. He opened it to count the money but got upset because there were only seventy pesos, not the hundred he asked from God. Lencho was sure God wouldn’t make such a big mistake. He quickly asked for paper and ink at the window, wrote another letter to God, and put it in the letterbox.

After Lencho left, the postmaster opened and read his letter right away. Lencho complained to God that he asked for a hundred pesos but got only seventy. He also accused the post office workers of stealing thirty pesos from his envelope. Lencho asked God to send him the rest of the money but not through the mail because he thought the post office workers were ‘a bunch of crooks’ and might have taken the money.

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