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in Political Science by (845 points)
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Why J.S. Mill is called a thinker of 'Developmental Democracy"?

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by (45.9k points)

John Stuart Mill is often regarded as a thinker of "Developmental Democracy" because of his influential ideas on the progression of democratic societies and the importance of individual development within those societies. Here are a few reasons why Mill's ideas are associated with developmental democracy:

  1. Emphasis on Individual Development: Mill placed a significant emphasis on the development of individual capacities and freedoms within a democratic society. He argued that true progress and happiness could only be achieved when individuals are free to develop their own potential and pursue their own interests, as long as they do not harm others.

  2. The Harm Principle: Mill's famous Harm Principle, articulated in his work "On Liberty," states that the only legitimate reason for interfering with the liberty of an individual is to prevent harm to others. This principle reflects a commitment to individual autonomy and the idea that individuals should be free to pursue their own paths of development as long as they do not infringe upon the rights and well-being of others.

  3. Democratic Participation: While Mill was a proponent of representative democracy, he also believed in the importance of active participation by citizens in the political process. He argued that democratic societies should encourage robust public debate and the exchange of ideas, as this is essential for the development of informed and enlightened citizens.

  4. Progressive Reform: Mill believed that democratic societies should continually strive for improvement and progress. He advocated for reforms that would expand democratic participation, promote equality of opportunity, and protect individual liberties. Mill saw democracy as a dynamic system that should evolve and adapt to changing social conditions.

  5. Education and Enlightenment: Mill placed a high value on education and the cultivation of rationality and critical thinking. He believed that an educated and enlightened citizenry was essential for the functioning of democracy and for the advancement of society as a whole.

Overall, John Stuart Mill's ideas on individual development, democratic participation, and social progress align closely with the concept of developmental democracy, which emphasizes the importance of both individual and collective growth within democratic societies.

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