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in Business Studies by (53.7k points)

Explain F.W. Taylor’s Scientific Management Principles.

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Scientific management refers to the use of scientific and standardized tools, methods and trained workers in all organisational activities in order to increase the total production with minimum cost and wastage. 

Following are the principles of scientific management contributed by FW Taylor.

1. Science not Rule of Thumb: Taylor was the first person to introduce the method of scientific inquiry into the domain of management practice. He believed that there was only one best method to maximise efficiency i.e., by scientific way. Scientific management includes scientific selection of workers, placement and training, work-study motion study fatigue study, time – study, gradation of equipments and machinery, payment of wages according to work done, etc.

2. Harmony, Not discord: There should be harmonious relationship between management and workers. Both should realise that each one is important. This avoids class-conflict. To achieve this, Taylor introduced mental revolution. Both management and workers should transform their thoughts in order to achieve harmonious relationship amongst them.

There should be a two way communication between management and workers. According to Taylor, there should be almost equal division of work and responsibility between workers and management.

3. Cooperation, Not individualism: There should be complete cooperation between the labour and the management instead of individualism. Competition should be replaced by cooperation. Both should realise that they need each other. To achieve this fact, the management should consult their employees while taking important decisions. There should be a two way communication between management and workers. According to Taylor, there should be almost equal division of work and responsibility between workers and management.

4. Development of each and every person to his or her greatest efficiency and prosperity: Industrial efficiency depends on personnel competencies. According to Taylor, efficiency could be achieved from the beginning i.e., from the time of selection of employees.

Each person must be scientifically selected. Work should be assigned according to his mental and intellectual capabilities Proper training should be given to improve his/her skill. This will contribute to their greatest efficiency and prosperity for both organisation and workers.

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