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in Motivation - Techniques and Theories by (53.6k points)
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Explain the different theories of Motivation.

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by (70.0k points)
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Some important theories of motivation are as follows :

I. Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory : 

It is considered fundamental to understanding of motivation. A well-known psychologist, in a classic paper published in 1943, outlined the elements of an overall theory of motivation. This theory was based on human needs. He felt that within every human being, there exists a hierarchy of five needs.

 These are : 

1. Physical Needs : 

Food, clothes, shelter, fresh air, etc.

2. Safety Needs :

Fear of diseases, risk, security from loss.

3. Love Needs: 

Love, cooperation, friends, relatives, sense of togetherness. 

4. Self-Esteem Needs: 

Respect, appreciation, self confidence, reputation, etc. 

5. Self-Actualisation Needs : 

Potential, skills and abilities one is capable of.

II. Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory :

Motivation Hygiene theory or dual factor theory was propounded by US behaviour scientist Fredrick Herzberg. He along with his associates, researched at Psychological Service, Pittsburgh and developed ‘Two Factor Theory’. This theory is based on empirical research on job attitudes of 200 engineers and accountants of a company. 

The researchers asked two questions from those two hundred employees : 

1. When you felt exceptionally good about your job ? 

2. When you felt exceptionally bad about your job ?

Herzberg grouped these responses into two categories :

1. Hygiene Factors: Company’s policy and administration, Job security, Salary or wages, Quality of supervision, etc.

2. Motivator Factors :

Achievement, Recognition and honour, Development or advancement, etc.

III. ‘X’ and ‘Y’ Theory of McGregor :

Prof. Douglas McGregor propounded X and Y theory of motivation. He is a managment consultant and an author, who, in his book named ‘Human Side of Enterprise’, described two distinct sets of assumptions about peopole at work. He believed that these assumptions influence the thinking and attitude of most managers about the people at work. Me Gregor labelled these sets of assumptions as Theory ‘X’ and Theory ‘Y’. Theory ‘X’ presents a pessimistic or negative view of human nature, whereas Theory ‘Y’ reflects an optimistic or positive view of human behaviour.

IV. William Ouchi’s ‘Z’ Theory : 

The credit to propound this theory of motivation goes to American management practictioner Prof. William G. Ouchi. He wrote a book entitled ‘Theory Z : How American business can meet the Japanese challenge’. This theory was published in 1981.

In this book, he described management practices in a number of US companies that are similar to those which successful Japanese companies have been practising for years. Theory Z refers to selected managerial practices adopted to the environment of United States as suggested by W. Ouchi. It is a hybrid management system which incorporates the strength of Japanese and American Management.

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