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in Terrorism, Criminalization of Politics and Corruption by (51.2k points)
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Describe the measures to end terrorism.

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by (48.9k points)
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They following are the measures to end terrorism : 

  • Making common agreement on national problems : 

To fight terrorism, attempt should be made on political level. The requirement is that in view of public interest and interest of party and interest of the country, right at the initial level of the problem, its solution should be found. 

  • Arrangement of quick punishment for criminals : 

To control crime, quick punishment should be given to criminals so that faith may be created in public and fear may be created in the mind of the criminals. 

  • Modernisation of police and security forces : 

Police and security forces should be made modem. All administrative systems should be improved, Today Mafia, Smugglers, and all types of criminals are in the outfit of terrorism. By making the administrative body strong Mafia, Smugglers and other criminal elements should be kept separate from terrorism. 

  • Better cooperation between government and public : 

To control terrorism, it is necessary to have wider cooperation between government and public. Without public coperation, it is not possible to control terrorism. So it is in this direction that the government and the public have to work together. 

  • Arrangement of powerful law : 

Arrangement of powerful law should be made so that the making of weapons is to be done in public sector. No weapons should be made in private sector. 

  • Use of effective intelligence inputs :

 Intelligence inputs should be used to collect information about terrorists, their working style, sources of financial help and weapons. 

  • Scientific training to soldiers : 

The soldiers should be trained scientifically to face terrorists. 

  • Strong security measures : 

Arrangement of regular security should be done at important and vulnerable places.

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