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in Major Religions of the World by (58.5k points)
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Describe the types of Yajna in Vedic religion. 


Describe the Panch Mahayajnas.

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by (55.8k points)
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Yajna : Yajna has been called the best Karma (work) in vedic religion. Dedicating sacrificial content and Ghee in fire is not just Yajna (sacrifice). Their use is as important for the environment, but in reality, the name of all the best deeds is the Yajna (sacrifice). 

There are three parts of Yajnas (sacrifice)

(a) The actions, to be praised, prayed, worshipped to God. 

(b) The scholars and ascetics should be respected 

(c) Five elements (Panch tatva) (fire, water air, earth, sky) should be used properly without causing pollution. 

There are two types of Yajna : Nitya (daily) and Naimittik.

(a) Nitya Yajna : Duties in the Grihastha Ashram of the Nitya Yajna are known as ‘Panch Mahayajna’. They are considered mandatory for every household to run the society smoothly.

Panch Mahayajna : In the Vedic period, each person used to do the following five ‘Mahayajna’.

  • Bramhayajna : It is also know as ‘Rishi Yajna’. Through this Yajna, man used to express respect for the ancient sages and saints. 
  • Dev Yajna : This Yajna was used to express gratitude towards the deities. Under this Yajna, offerings were made to the gods such as, milk, curd, Ghee, food grains etc through fire. 
  • Bhoot Yajna : Through this Yajna, there is information about the duty of human beings towards other creatures. Under this Yajna the food was offered to the gods, earth, air, water, sky and Prajapati. Animals, birds and vegetation, etc. were sacrificed. 
  • Pitra Yajna : Through this Yajna Tarpan, and Shraddha etc. were arranged for the ancestors. 
  • Nri Yajna : The aim of this Yajna was to achieve temporal gains. Performing this kind of Yajna is the person’s responsibility and hospitality and human spirit were used to fulfil specific goals. This Yajna was done by priests.

(b) Naimittik Yajna : Such Yajna which were done to fulfil any purpose of the person or the whole world. The purpose is to get some blessings such as Putreshti Yajna, Vrishti Yajna, Ashvamegha Yajna, Rajsuya Yajna, Samrasta Yajna, Vishvamangal Yajna.

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