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in Major Religions of the World by (58.5k points)
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Describe the fundamental principles of Islam.

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Fundamental theory of Islam : The word Islam in Arabic language means ‘surrender’ (to Allah) and ‘peace’. The person who believes in Islam is called ‘Momin’.

The fundamental revered percepts of Islam are called ‘Usool-a-Deen’, which are as follows :

1. Tauheed : Complete and unquestioning devotion to one God (Allah). Making a pact with Allah is called ‘Shirk’. 

  • Imagine the existence of Allah in any other or opposite way. 
  • Anyone else regards Allah as the equivalent. 
  • Anyone to be considered to be Allah’s father or son. 
  • Believe in someone to have the special qualities of Allah. 
  • The person who does ‘Shirk’ is called ‘Mushrif.

2. Risallah or Nubarat : After Allah, the most important word in Islam is ‘Rasool’ or ‘Nabi’. The meaning of ‘Rasool’ is either ‘sent’ or to be ‘sent’ with the purpose of conveying Allah’s message to people. That is the footprints of the Nabi should be followed.

3. Malaykah : Angel and messenger of god is called ‘Mahakah’ on seventh heaven, the four angels near the throne of Allah are called ‘Hamlat-Al-Arsh’. The Karibian, who worship Allah following the order of angels is Jibrail, MIrkail etc. The Quran was conveyed by Jibrail from Allah to prophet.

4. Kutubullah : The means of this word is ‘Have faith in the texts of Allah’. Those who have the books of Allah are called ‘book-makeri’ like Muslims, Christians, Jews. According to Islamic belief the Quran is pure in all of them.

5. Yoga-AZ-Kiyamah : By the time appointed by God (Allah) man lives in the ‘Alduniya’ (world). After expiry he passes in ‘grave’ which is called the condition of ‘Barjhakh’. After this ‘Yoga-Al-Keyamah’ (Resurrection day) arrives. That is on the day of doom (The doom) all will be blessed with life and will be brought before Allah and will be sent to heaven or hell according to their deeds.

6. Al-Karda :According to Allah’s planning everything will happen and even further. This reverence is called ‘Al-Kadra’.

7. Mishak : It means ‘contract’ (Agreement) Allah makes a contract with his beloved persons. At present ‘Umnaty-Mohammadi’ means that Muslims are the contractual selected people of Allah, such is the validity of Islam.

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