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in Development of Nationalism in the World by (58.5k points)
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Describe the social factors responsible for the French revolution.

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by (55.8k points)
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The social reasons responsible for the French revolution were as follows : 

1. Social inequality : Many scholars believe that the reaosn for the French revolution was the social inequality prevalent in French society. 

French society was divided into four classes : 

(i) clergy class, 

(ii) elite class, 

(iii) middle class, 

(iv) common class. 

The first two classes were economically prosperous. The plight of the common class was the worst. The clergy and elite classes enjoyed many special privileges and relaxations. They were not burdened with any economic responsibility. As a result, they possessed 5th part of France’ entire wealth. On the other hand, the middle and lower classes were overburdened with taxes. They had to pay additional cess to the king. The farmers and workers did not enjoy any privileges, and this class was the largest constitutent of the population. The condition of farmers was very pitiable as compared to the royal clergy and elite classes. Almost 80 percent of their income went to taxes. The middle class included small traders, teachers, lawyers, doctors, artists and government employees. This class contributed the most in the French revolution. Their jealousy towards the elite class because of the latter’s education and wealth drove them to change the system. They also hated the clergy class. Napoleon Bonaparte also held the middle class responsible for the revolution.

2. Corruption in Church : Corruption was rife in French churches. They imposed religious taxes on the people. The Church had a lot of wealth and property. The clergies lived a luxurious and comfortable life. The money received from the common people was spent on immoral activities, while the priests of small churches in rural areas lived a frugal life. The poor and hungry people resented the activities of the Church. ‘Tithe’ a voluntary tax, was now levied compulsorily. This behaviour of the church fomented hatred among the farmers towards the clergy. Thus, the poor people of France, were compelled to think about plundering the wealth of Church which they used for their luxuries.

3. Dynastic and privileged administrative class : The elite class occupied all high posts in France. These people enjoyed prestige and respect in society. This class did not pay any taxes. This administrative class collected taxes, implemented laws and looked after the judicial system and ensured the security of the country. This class exacted unpaid labour from the poor and farmer classes. The French people were oppressed by this privileged administrative class. They had to look to the elite classes for employment, trade, salaries, industry, agriculture etc. This situation caused extensive discontent. This discontent exploded with such ferocity in 1789 that it could not be stopped.

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