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in Development of Nationalism in the World by (58.5k points)
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Describe the main causes of the fall of Napoleon Bonaparte.

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by (55.8k points)
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The main reasons of Napoleon’s fall were as follows : 

1. Extreme ambition s Napoleon began his life in an ordinary family, and his ambitions ‘ lay only in continuing to win. Calling himself the son of the revolution, he kept waging war against the nations of Europe in the name of the revolution-borne principles of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. His high ambition of becoming the ruler of entire Europe led to his downfall. The French republicans became his opponents.

2. Autocratic regime : Napoleon ended democracy in France and re-established absolute monarchy. He took newspapers under strict control. He also banned formation of labour unions. Napoleon strangled the freedom created by the French revolution. The principle of the right to self-determination bom from the French revolution was taken away from the people by autocratic monarchy as soon as Napoleon became the emperor. 

3. Continental wars s Napoleon Bonaparte’s annexation of Spain proved very harmful for him. This incident gave the opportunity to all European nations to unite. There was intense opposition in Spain against this development. A wave of nationalism swept the country and friendly nations formed a joint front against France to heip Spain. This continental war brought great harm to France. In this war, France lost about 3 lakh soldiers.

4. Continental system : Napoleon devised a new plan to defeat England in the economic sphere, which was called ‘Continental system’. He wanted to inflict loss on England in trade through this system. He believed England to be the lone obstacle in his vision of becoming victorious over the entire world, and it could not be defeated directly in battle. Thus, he put an embargo on Britain’s trade relations with other European nations through the continental system.

This system caused a great increase in prices of commodities in entire Europe. Moreover, a scarcity of commodities was also created. Friendly countries like Russia also became opponents of France due to this continental system. France objective of harming England economically also remained unfulfilled. The continental system only helped in increasing France, enemies, and France did not benefit in any way. This system became a major cause of Napoleon’s decline.

5. Campaign agHnst Russia : Napoleon’s attack on Russia proved fatal for him. Twothirds of French soldiers died because of lack of military supplies and equipment, and bitter cold. Ignorant of the geographical conditions of Rusia, Napoleon inflicted a severe setback to himself because of his vanity.

6. Insulting behaviour towards the Pope : Napoleon Bonaparte behaved rudely with the Pope, because of which he earned the ire of public opnion. The Pope was insulted after being invited to the coronation of Napoleon as Emperor. When the Pope was about to put the crown on Napoleon’s head, Napoleon took the crown and put it on hismelf saying : ‘1 found this crown lying in dust, and I have picked it up with the point of my sword”. This was in a way, an insult to the Pope. Because of this, all European Catholics became Napoleon’s opponents.

7. Napoleon’s favouritism towards family : Inspite of calling himself the son of the revolution, Napoleon could not give up his affection towards his brothers and relatives. He tried to prove himself to be an aristocrat by appointing his family members to high offices of the state. He appointed a brother, Louis Napoleon, ruler of Holland, another brother, Joseph, ruler of Spain and third brother, Jerome, ruler of Westphalia, though they were not fit for the posts. 

8. Decline of national character : The soldiers in Napoleon’s army were mostly recruited from different countries and nationalaties, forcibly. Thus, his army lacked a national character. 

9. Flaw of character : Napoleon Bonaparte was a stubborn and highly ambitious ruler. Upon becoming the emperor of France, Napoleon stopped taking advice from his well-wishers. He thought of his own decisions as being the best. This proved fatal for him.

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