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in Calamities and Management by (47.7k points)
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Differentiate between the natural and man-made causes of earthquake.

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by (50.9k points)
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When any part of the earth has vibrations due to any event occurs inside the earth is called an earthquake. It is one of the greatest destructive calamities. It can cause great destruction in a moment.

Earthquakes intensity can be measured by an instrument seismograph in Richter scale. It was discovered by Charles Richter so it is named after him. On this intensity of an earthquake could be measured up to 12 up to 5. It is said normal as the speed increases it takes the most destructive form.

Causes of Earthquake: It is caused due to movement tectonic of plates of earth. Contraction and expansion due to vapour inside the earth is also a cause of earthquake.

Earthquake Prone Area: If we study the earthquake occurred in India we conclude that Northern mountains and foot hills is the most young fold mountain. Himalaya is the part of this young fold mountain which is still in the stage of formation. Still the balanced stage is not developed in Himalayas. Hence it is the most earthquake prone area while Deccan plateau is a balanced and stable part of earth but after the earthquake of Koyna and Latoor this region is also considered as earthquake zone region of Kachch and Bhuj of Gujarat is also falls in earthquake zone.

Earthquake a danger: It is a natural disasters which cause the greatest change in a moment on earth which shock the heart of people. It causes thousands of death, cracks in earth surface, destruction of roads, collapse of buildings which convert into heap of soil and stones. Bridges, dams collapse and become danger in future. Relief from Earthquake and Management:

At the level of society and government: All government take relief and help measures after earthquake toll of death in India is high as it is densely populated. Hence it is necessary to implement network of instrument related to earthquake measures. So possibility of destruction of lives and property could be decrease and an alert can be declared through TV and radio to make people aware.

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